my life my love my timelord

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Well I guess it began when I was around 15-16 I was at a cafe eating chips and just got a new snapple It was a normal-ish day until a man walked up to me and asked if I belived in aliens. Of course I said no I mean come on at the time it sounded ridiculous if it wasn't for what he said next I would never have belived and I wouldn't be able to tell my story. He said "Watch this."  

Right at that moment a thing that looked like the robots in the movies where they try to take over the world. Well he grabbed my wrist and tanked me out of my seat and dragged me into the street. 

"What is that that... thing?" I couldn't find a word to discribe it at the moment but I would find one eventually. 

"That's a cyberman they were created by cybrus indrustries thousands of years ago the exact date is 1437 in August on the 21 day. but anyway because you don't belive in alians I will be on my way." He actually started to walk away toward a blue box. I really needed to know what in the name of bloddy God was going on so I kinda snuck in behind him and hid like under some stuff.  

"I know you are there come on out." He said I couldn't belive how huge it was on the inside of this thing I mean it was HUGE like bigger than the white house huge anyway.  

"Who are you and I do belive after seeing that... " "Cyberman contuinue." " Thank you and being in here isn't helping my old oppinion. but i still think this is just a show honestly this is just crazy I mean come on. do you really expect me to belive it."  

"Lets go back to he cafe see what the cyberman did." 

" Ok I can grab my snapple while we are there. it would be good."  

"I need you to put on this out fit and wig while we are there you need to talk to yourself while we are there and I will prove that there are aliens. Alons-y!" And then the thing that is in the center started moving up and down and then it made this really loud noise. I was so confused and then the box lurched and I felt sick to my stomach and decided I had to change into what he gave me or else I might be a little creeped out if he watched me he feel to the floor so I quickly changed thinking thank you gymclass! but anyway now I am a beautiful blond and I recodnise this image of me. OMG it is the beautiful lady that I saw earlier while I was at the cafe. omg I will wake over to her and slip her a note I guess. then as if out of nowhere a note fell out of my pocket. and my snapple was standing right next to them I was so happy. I picked up the note and told the man I was ready to go.  

"You know my name is The Doctor. Whats your name?" 

"I figured you would know my name after all you chose me from all those people in the most popular cafe in London." 

"Well you were the first person I saw in thee and I knew that cybermen were going to be there I got a tip on the psychic paper. and you seemed to be the most smart looking person in there so... whats your name." 

" Its orcrose. My parents are really weird I mean mental hospital weird."  

"Why do I recodnise that name. Let me think let me think." 

"Well I worked for Harry Saxton. And then I quit like almost right before he disappeared. it was really weird."  

"That's not it wait a minute did you used to go to a school where you always had on head phones and did you take phisycs?" 

"No I always went to a getto public school in Boston but we just moved here." 

"ok go out side look."  

"Omb its this morning no way I am going to sit next to me come on!" 

"I cant orcrose I am already in this time line I can only come in when the cybermen come in sorry I will be there right at the same time I promise. I will sit next to you as soon as. I get in and we can watch it together."  

"ok see you in there!" 

So I walk in and spot my self. 

" hello waitress get me a snapple please oh and miss you seem to have dropped this." I said to my self but that is a weird thing to say so I am going to call me her. 

"I am so sorry whats your name?" 

"Just read the note please." 

ok the note says just listen to the guy who is about to walk up to you he is the best thing that's ever going to happen to you I promise. she stared me and then I said just pudding but you might wanna keep the note I smirked and then I started to drink my snapple. and waited. he walked in and walked over to me. 

"not me her buddy." he looked confused and went over to her. 

"do you belive in aliens?" 

"no I do not." 

"your gonna wanna watch this." then the cyberman walked in he pulled her out and my doctor walked in. 

"so you belive now?" 

"duh! so what does this thing do?" 

"they kill people and I save them. the people saddly it means killing the cybermen l." 

"saddly you just said they kill people! are you a killer?!?!" 

"no got to save this cafe the chips here are fantastic!" then he pulled out this flashy lighty thingy and shined it in its eyes I laughed Cuz I was always told to never put light in anybodys eyes. he looked over at me like hey wanna stop laughing and start helping and he gave me one of the flashy thingys.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now