Master Part 3

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“Doctor what’s that?” I whisper in his ear. I can see that the shadowy figure is not human because it has four fingers on each hand and they are strangely shaped. Due to the fact that it might be the master I whisper.

“What shadowy figure Orcrose?”The doctor said. Am I the only one who can see it?

“That figure right there!” I said and pointed right at it. He looked and squinted. Martha and Cerys started to look as well.

“Doctor do you see it?” Cerys asked.

“Doctor I can see it can’t you?” Martha said

“No girls I can’t see it!”

“SHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The three of us all hushed him in unison. Right after we shushed him some people walked up.

“sorry did you call us?” a man in a tweed blazer and a bowtie said. He looked at the doctor and his eyes got wide. He had a beautiful red haired woman at his right hand and another beautiful woman only with curly blondish brownish hair and a stocky red haired man next to the red haired woman.

“ No sorry uhhh by the way who are you?” I asked the man in the tweed blazer.

“I’m the Doctor.”

“No he’s the Doctor?” Cerys said to the strange man.

“But he’s the Doctor?” the girl with the red hair said. Then I remembered the trick that Time Lords have.

“Oh my Galafrey! Doctor I am so sorry! My name is Orcrose, this is Cerys, This is Martha, and this is the Doctor on his tenth regeneration you must be a feature regeneration. I’m so sorry I didn’t realise it sooner! Ok so what regeneration are you on?”

“I’m on my eleventh thats me right before this face. Ok This is Amy and Rory Pond (he pointed at the two red heads.) and this is River Song ( he pointed at the curly blondish brownish haired lady.) and I’m the Doctor but you figured that out already.”

“Wait wow I have a huge nose in the feature! Any way will you be willing to help us?”

“What’s the problem?”

“The Master.” I answered right as my doctor was opening his mouth.

“Doctor she has them the marks.” Amy said to her doctor. The 11th doctor walked over and soniced my arm.

“The silence.” he whispered to where I could barely hear him but I still heard it.

“What’s the silence?” I asked kind of afraid of his answer.

“Something but its not a big deal. We will help you. Geronimo!!!!!!!!” and they started to walk away. Everyone looked to our Doctor. When he started to follow he started to follow them we knew that he trusted them so we all followed. As we walked past an alley way I heard someone breathing.

“Doctor I heard something.” I said pulling his sleeve.

“Where?” the other doctor asked.

“In the alley. It sounded like breathing.” but he was already on his way into the alley. The doctor grabbed my hand. He whispered in my ear.

“Please don’t have to regenerate again let her have this face for a week at least.” I started laughing really loud then I heard running footsteps. Wait they were coming towards us.

“Well hello Amelia, Rory, River, Doctor, Other Doctor, Martha, Orcrose, And who is this?” a man with really badly bleached hair, mascara, and lip gloss. I hear the other doctor running back I blinked and next thing I knew Cerys had a knife to her throat and River was pointing her gun at the man.

“Orcrose this is the master.” The doctor said reaching for my hand. I wanted to walk over and kick his shin but the knife was pressed too tightly and we would lose Cerys because he would probably slide his hand and well no need to lose a team member. Instead I walked over next to him.

“Why her I’m worth more, or you can’t see that.” I said and walked back by the doctor and took his hand in mine.

“I’m the one holding his hand not her. So why target such a useless girl?”

“Hey hurtful!” Cerys said. I threw her a stare and she stopped complaining and said

“Yeah i am pretty useless and by the way I don’t know anybody here I was just walking down the street. I have nothing todo with this!” Cerys said and he removed the knife from her throat. Then I ran over and kicked his shin.The master fell and cut his shin. When he stood back up Cerys kicked him well where no man wants to be kicked.

“Thats for holding a knife to my throat.” and then she kicked him in his cut.

“And thats for thinking that I’m useless.’’ there was tears in his eyes. I am pretty impressed the way she faked tears and made him think she really was innocent. I can really see her having a feature traveling with us.

“Nicely done Cerys! Thank you for picking up on my making him think you were useless but I didn’t think so for a minute. So nicely done.”

“Wow thank you.” Cerys said beaming. So proud of what she had done so much like a Dalek hating everything that she doesn’t know. Good thing she knows us and the doctors and everyone with us. We all looked at the master laying there passed out on the sidewalk. Then this girl ran up to the other doctor.


“A.J.!” the doctor said and hugged her. He looked as if he couldn’t be happier to see her.

“A.J. what are you doing here?”

“Doctor I just finished visiting Amy and Rory.” The doctor looked down the street and realised where they were.

“I saw River pointing a gun and figured you would have something to do with it.”

“Wow A.J. nice to see you again oh and who gave the master the beating?” Everyone whipped around to see Jack and Gwen standing there.

“Jack.” A.J. said and went off to the side and started talking to amy and rory.

“Cerys nicely done with the master did you give him the cut as well?”

“No i just made it a little wider with my heels.” I looked down at her shoes SPIKED HIGH HEELS!!!!!!!! thats what she was wearing no wonder she looked like her feet were killing her.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now