the london eye

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I finaly got to the London eye and then saw him leaning against the door I ran up and hugged him.

"I was worried that you would go down without me!" I said still squeezing him then I realised that I had actually missed him.

"this reminds me of when I had to deal with living plastic how I met your mom the London eye some good memories here. now I get to have a great memory with the next generation promise you will be careful!"

"I promise for my mothers memories sake!" I said making him laugh but them he got serious and started to walk in the door and I looked in.

"oh my buttons that is the most cybermen I have ever seen!"

"stay close I don't want to lose you like I lost your mother ok."

"ok." it was weird because I was starting to feel loved by someone out side of the family even though he is technicaly my family it still made me feel all mushy inside.

"Ah doctor so nice to see you again!" I heard a man say then I saw my mother tied up in a corner.

"doctor my mum shes here why is she here?" I asked because my mom is being held captive by cybermen! I mean what am I supposed to say hey mom I'm with the doctor now oh and sorry your tied up. no! you get scared for your life that's what you do.

"Rose!" the doctor called.

"Help me doctor they keep saying I am going to be upgraded HELP!"

"Doctor we need to save mum and stop the cybermen how are we supposed to do that?!?!"

"Call mickey we need all the help we can get." he said kind of calmly like it was no big deal. sonic dialed uncle mickey and started to pray to Santa just like mom had always told me to.

"Hey orcrose whats up?"

"Mum is being held captive by cybermen and we need backup there's hundreds just blocking where I am supposed to put the code they smartened up after you guys I guess. Help us uncle mickey please!"

"I will be right there."

-end call-

"What are we supposed to do in the mean time?"

"save your mum of course." and then the doctor started to run through the cybermen. I grabbed the chain hanging infront of me and knocked down 30 cybermen and then untied my mum.

"I want you to hold onto this do not lose it ok mum."

"you are so grown up I cant belive it. of course I will take good care of it. I am so proud of you." I realised that I am defenseless agianst the cybermen..I walked over to the doctor.

"mom is safe now you wanna go say hi" I said because it has been 15 years ever science he last saw her. Right then uncle mickey burst through the door and so did some really hot guy that made moms eyes light up and made the doctor beam and my jaw drop.

"Jack!" mom and the doctor yelled at the same time. he jumped down and ran and gave mum a hug and high fives the doctor.

"hello I'm Captian jack harkness. whats your name?"

"I'm orcrose Smith."

"what a strange name."

"hey don't even start on my daughter jack." my mum said and it made me laugh so hard then I heard a metallic voice

"you will all upgrade."

"oh shut up!" said jack. I started laughing. so hard.

"ok lets just shut these things down and go home ok." said the doctor. I did a front hand spring over like 500 cybermen and then I put the cell phone on the usb out let and then all the cybermen fell to the floor and were clutching there helmates I walk back to them and I guess the doctor saw the tears in my eyes and put his arm around my waist and hugged me I started to cry. I can not kill things I cannot stand to see people in pain. when we got back to the tardis jack was with us and he was drinking some whiskey and he tried to kiss me.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now