the battle of the cybers

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"Whats this thing called doctor?"

"sonic screwdriver one of my most prided possestions so please take care of it you know I don't give those to just anybody you know. "

" I figured with how bright it is." o said as I shone the screwdriver around the circle with a little logo on it. it popped open and I was so confused it looked like a lot of wires wrapped around and connected to a strip of human flesh.

"Ewwwww. Doctor why does this thing have flesh in it?" I asked because it is a huge hunk of metal wanting to take over the world what else can you ask the guy?

"It is called an upgrade cybrus industry's decided to make people into robots who never can die. it sounded amazing at the time but people started ti kill people if they didn't upgrade. I have faced these before if you cant tell." I could tell alright he knew exactly what to do where with out making it disturbing to anyone in the cafe. I was a little relived that he knew what he was doing Cu's I was copying his movements.

"Normally if I didn't have help that fought on so quick I would say to just surrender because these things are hard to fight and they never travel alone they are kinds like wolves if you will. they would get lonely and their lonlyness would overwhelm them and they would crash if they were by them selves." he explained as I looked at him I was holding a brain in my hand and the cyberspace man I was faceing was down and done and his still wouldn't open. I walked over and traced the logo and it popped right open.

"I lossened it up before you started it." he said trying to defend his pride. I felt kinda sorry for him. being out done by a girl like that its pretty bad. I mean I know nothing and that's when I despised he was staring into my eyes as if he was trying to figure something out.

"What are you staring at?"

"You orcrose why did your parents name you that?"

"I have no idea I guess because orchid and rose were mums to favroite flowers. I don't know!''

"I know I have heard that name before I just cant figure it out it seems like a name that would come from my home planet. That would explain how you can use a sonic so well but it doesn't make sense its impossible! They were all killed. The daleks killed them all." He started to sound like he was talking to himself hats when I realised that more cybermen had walked in.

"Ummm doctor you might wanna take a break from pondering and help me!" I said as 15 more cybermen walked in. he walked over and stared into my eyes then did the first row of cybermen that walked up. then he started staring into my eyes again.

"Doctor there's like 10 more and they look mad and this is not the time to be staring at me!" I said as I took out 5 cybermen. why does he keep stating at me!

"Orcrose you have it under control. what is your mothers name?"

"Rose Smith whats the big deal! I don't see why you keep staring at me in public I don't care if its in the tardis but why are you making me take out all the cybermen!"

"Is your mothers maiden name Tyler?"

"Yes why?" I said calming down seeing him smile as if I have known him all my life.

"orcrose you mother was one of my old companions your father is a half human version of me. I left him with her because she would have died if I hadn't left her a person you would be mickey the idiots daughter and belive me that would not be allowed to happen."

"Omb uncle mickey he is so cool though and he has been helping stop the cybermen back home. Omb can I text uncle mickey and ask him for the number that he has been useing to stop the cybermen at home."

"of course you can! actually please do!" so I grabbed my phone and called uncle mickey.

"Orcrose I told you to only call if its a emergency!"

"Sorry uncle mickey it is a emergency though!"

"Sorry sweetish whats up?"

"I am with the doctor and fighting a group of cybermen and we need the code that makes them see how they look that you have been useing please uncle mickey its important!"

"Your with the doctor man God it runs in the family I guess. ok so I will text you the code but you need to call your mum she is worried sick about you and your grandmum as well!"

"ok uncle mickey I will call them love you got to go bye!"

-end call-

"so how is rose?"

"doctor not the time to catch you up on family matters umm a cyberman just killed a person doctor and I don't know what to do! where is the power source for these things so I can enter the code!"

" the London eye ofcourse goto the London eye I will meet you there I will take care of these things before I go."

" ok becareful I don't want to lose mom did." I said as I walked out of the cafe and towards the London eye.

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