Master Part 2

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"Doctor." I said as we were walking down the path.

"Yes Orcrose."

"Why don't you call me angel when Jacks around?"

"Can we not talk about this now Orcrose?"

"Doctor who is that up ahead?" Cerys said makeing me snap back to reality.

"Doctor that looks like my dad!" I said before hecould say nothing was up ahead. I know my dad when I see him.

"Orcrose if that it your dad then you have alot of explaining to do for him. Cerys what year did we arrive?" the doctor said starting to look concerned.

"2006 why?"

"Orcrose what year did your father die?"


" Wait I'm confused why is your dad here if there is trouble lurking about?" Cerys asked looking so confused. I was going to asnwer but the person started to walk towards us.


"Martha! What are you doing here?!?!?!?!?"

"I'm sorry doctor who is this?" I asked him.

"Martha Jones! Hasn't the doctor told you about me?"

"Sorry I haven't really had time."

"Says the Time Lord!" Martha and I said in unision.

"Sorry says the what?" Cerys asks. she is so confused.

"Oh sorry Cerys I keep forgeting to tell you! The doctor and I are Time Lords, we live in the T.A.R.D.I.S. , we fight deadly villans and we have our hearts broken what almost seems like its daily. and we have two hearts each. we save the world endlessly and get no thanks we can die but not untill we regenerate 12 times. we cheat death. if you still want to stick around then stay if you want to run and hide then run to Jack and tell him you got scared. you stickin with us?"

"I follow orders and Jack told me to stay so I'm staying." Cerys said with all the confidance she has.

"Wait doctor I thought you said you were the last Time Lord?"

"Long story no time to explain. glad to see your sticking with us cerys now martha if you want to stay and help we are up against the master you want to help?"

"Anything to help the doctor." Martha said and we started to walk again. There was a new figure looming ahead.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now