Master part 1

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"Orcrose ready for a new adventure?"

"Uh duh! We havent gone on one for like a year!"

"Actually it has only been a week, But anyway Jack called and well the masters back."

"Who's the master?"

"He is another timelord like us. He is the reason you took a break in the first place but we need to stick together on this one though. Jack needs our help he is one team member short thats why he called while you were still gone. He doesn't realise he is going to need as much help as he can get thats why we are going to go help."

"Ok well lets go!"

"Alons-y!!!!!!!!" The doctor yelled and the T.A.R.D.I.S. lurched. Oh I missed this so much! I sound just like my mom. They had been separated for years and when they finally reconnected well she got my dad. 

"You ready to go kick some butt!" I said to the doctor as we ran out of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

'"hello Orcrose so nice to see you and your not about to get shot by a dalek oh by the way this is Cerys she is going to be yours and the doctors best friend for this mission got it?"

"yes Jack. hello Cerys i am Orcrose this is The Doctor. he is a tmelord and he knows The Masters weeknesses. two things you should know. one you are in exelant hands with the doctor and two do not run off what ever you do do you understand?"

"yes Orcrose i do."

"great now that we all have met lets get down to buissness. Tosh did anything happen on the radars?"

"there was a powerout on 42nd street and a flood on 3rd street."

"Owen Gwen go check out 42nd street Tosh you and i are going to 3rd street Cerys do not leave the doctors side do you understand me at all unless he tells you to stay somewhere that you know is safe. understood?"

"Jack i think she gets it." The Doctor said and turned towards Cerys.

"hello i am The Doctor what ever it is that brought you to this place i am sure you can reverse it if need be."

"job hunt can that be reversed?" she said joking. she made me laugh but the doctor not so much.

"i dont get it?"

"its was a joke doctor oh well so orcrose what is it like living with an alien?"

"it is really cool. oh just so you know i am an alien also. so whats it like working with jack every day?"

"i dont really know i just started yesterday but as far as i can tell it is going to be crazy!"

"you know if we survive this you should travel with us for  little while it would be fun to have a girl around the tardis."

"i will think about it." she looked confused and looked deep in thought.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now