master part 4

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“Well I think we need to keep moving before he wakes up.” River said pointing at the Master. Everyone nodded and started to scurry along except A.J. she stayed behind until the 11th doctor turned around and said-

“Are you coming or not?” A.J. started to catch up with us in answer. As she ran to catch up I walked over to my doctor and grabbed his hand. Right then some people walked over to the Master lying there hopefully passed out. Then they ran to catch up to us. It was my Mum and some man with big ears.

“Doctor who are they and what did they do to that man?” I heard my mum say. I pulled on my doctors hand and pointed behind us. As he turned around he looked at the man with floppy ears, When he did his eyes got wide and he whipped his head back around.

“Doctor who are they?” I heard Amy ask her doctor.

“That would be me before him.” He said and pointed at my doctor.

“Rose come on were gonna ask them what is going on.” then the doctor and my mum walked up.

“Hello I’m the Doctor and this is Rose Tyler she’s my plus one.”

“Yes we know who you are. Oh boy this is going to be long. Ok this is the tenth doctor this is the eleventh doctor I’m orcrose this is River This is Amy This is Rory This is Cerys and this is Martha. Oh and this is A.J. Nice to meet you doctor and Rose.” I threw my doctor a look that said why didn’t tell me that was my mom.

“Well then ummmm Quick question why are we not standing on a rift?” the doctor said floppy ears.

“None of the doctors have touched and there is already one in this town.”

“Ok quick question how is there three of you doctor?” A.J. asked the 11th doctor.

“Regeneration it is really hard to explain but there is three of us because of the fact that I have a trick where I can cheat death 12 times. The disadvantage to that is my face completely changes every time I regenerate. Thats how There is three of me at once.” the 11th doctor said kind of smirking. He looked at me and smiled then turned back to A.J. and they had a conversation that I couldn’t hear. My mum, I mean, Rose was staring at me like she had see me before. I know she hasn’t met me yet. It is the weirdest feeling knowing that your mum doesn’t even know you. I decided to talk to Cerys before Rose caught me staring at her.

“Weirded out yet?”

“Just a little bit.”

“Well you see the lady named Rose?’’

“Yeah what about her?”

“Shes my mum.”

“Why aren’t you talking to her?”

“Because she hasn’t exactly met me yet.”


“You’re telling me it’s my mum!” When I said that my doctor looked over at me. He threw me a look that practically screamed the shut my mouth. Cerys and I giggled. I haven’t done that since the 3rd grade. Oh well we are on the move again.


Authors Note :-)8

Ok because I want to know how many people are reading this so hello please vote so I can find out who all is reading love you guys xoxo


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