Time War 2

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Daleks were surrounding the tardis as the doctor walked up carring my mum bridal style. I cleared my throught.

"sorry to inturupt you little honeymooners but could you please help us" I said as jack and I were shooting the eyepeices well I wasn't shooting I was holding a gun but I couldn't pull the trigger.

"here you could use this right about now." the doctor said and tossed me his sonic. I started to open the armor of the daleks and saddly jack shot them I did the ones that still had eye peices first save them from seeing their family go but then when it came to the ones without the eyepeices I cried the whole time I did the job. then I ran to my room in the tardis and swung on the hammock untill I relaxed. I still cant belive that the doctor used to have big ears and wear leather it is so not like the one I know. Then Jack walked in.

"Hey look who it is miss still has feelings towards things that want to kill her." I couldn't belive it was jack making fun of me? then he walked over and wiped a tear off my cheek and I knew he had been joking.

"listen I am sorry for how much of a jerk I was just now but just rember this is the life you choose when you travel with the doctor. Do you still want to stay?" I got up and closed the door.

"Of course I still want to stay do you think I am a wimp or something?" I know that the walls and doors of the tardis are soundproof for the rooms anyway so I could yell just a little. but jack was a little surprised at how I exploded but I said just a little more.

"Jack this life means the world to me the tardis means the world to me and well you mean the world to me and I don't think I could live normal without knowing that I screwed my life up with one mistake! no I will not let my self nor will you let me Jack! Please tell me that you don't want me to leave or I just might." I said barely holding to my pride as tears of anger streamed down my face.

"Why would I want he prettyest girl to ever set foot in the tardis leave come on orcrose do you think I am that self centered?" he asked in a tone that I took jokingly but I was serious I just turned 18 the day before and I really want him to know how I feel.

"Jack I'm not kidding" I said as calmly as I could knowing that my happiness could depend on what happened next.


Haha cliff hanger don't worry I will upload in a couple days really busy with school starting soon and all. sorry if it takes longer to post than usual. lots of stuff going on right now but I know u don't want to hear it. so bye bye till I either get 2 votes or 5 days have gone by later


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