come back

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"doctor where are you?" I said as a dalek was pointing its plasma ray gun at me. ok so i left the tardis a month ago i lost track of time. started to goto school for astronmy, made some friends, started to tell the world of the amazing things the doctor has done to save us and time its self, traveled, did so many amaing things, everything life has to offer but one day in my astronmy class it all took a turn for the worst. first i had a boyfriend but he turned out to only want information about the doctor. my friends all frogot about me after being gone a year. then a cyberman walked up to me and said delete! i was able to out run it but i didnt make it with the dalek it caught up to me. now well it is about to kill me. 

"orcrose!!!!" i hear Jacks voice call out at me.

"Jack! Where are you???"

"i am right here i have some of my team here with me dont worry i will be right there!"

"Jack is the doctor with you?"

"no darling but i do have back up it is going to be ok.''


"EX-TE-RM-IN-ATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then i heard a gunshot and next thing i know everything is black. i hear a voice in the distance.

"doctor a missfired  bullet it hit Orcrose she isnt doing well."

"Jack you promised to protect her!!!" i hear footsteps comeing towards me "hello angel i am right here for you oh my this is my fault i wasnt here in time oh my god Jack why didnt you protect her!!!!!??????"

"it is my fault i know but dont think i didnt try it wasnt even my bulet that hit her it is owens!" i start to feel a change going on i ope my eyes i am starting to glow.

"doctor i thought that it didnt end up happening."

"well apperently it did. at least she is regenerating." i start to fully disperse energy and i realise my face is melting away. i start to scream. before a minute passes it is done.

"what are you boys stareing at? am i ugly now?"

"look in the mirror." Jack said pulling one out of his pocket. as i look in my reflecction i see a beautiful girl looking back at me. i have blond hair now and bright green eyes and a cute button noes and a cheeky smile and freckles.

"well we need to get rid of these exterminators if you want me to keep this face. oh i heard what you guys were talking about before i changed my face-"


"regenerated thank you doctor and it is neither of your faults simething made that bullet hit me i was 5 ft from where it was supposed to hit now doctor jack do i need to give orders or do you have the program down yet?" i said as the doctor tossed me a sonic device and i opened the cases.

"i am sorry. i am so so sorry." i said as i shot the daleks in the eye. then i ran to the doctor aand hugged him tightly.

"what was that for?"

"for coming back."

"of course i did. did you think i would leave you behind?"

"of course not! its just my life has sucked ever sciecne i left the tardis. it was horrible."

"Orcrose are you ok?"

"I am fine Jack so what have you been up to oh and where is  your backup?"

"the daleks got to them but gwen is ok but she had to stay home. shes on pregnancy leave. i have to go and find a new team." jack said and walked out. the doctor started walking towards the T.A.R.D.I.S. right after he unlocks it he turns around.

"you coming or whats going on here?"

"i wasnt sure you wanted me togo with you or not diffrent face and all."

"get in the tardis." the doctor said and i walked in i wonder what is going to happen now.

my life my love my timelord ~Book 1 MLMLMT TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now