nicknames, the shadow proclamation, and other lovely things

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"well doctor don't you think the doctor is a mouthfull as well?"  

"no because everyone leaves off the the part and doctor is not a mouthfull." 

"ok fine what are you gonna start calling me?" 

"Angel eyes." 

"how about just Angel ok doctor." 

"nope angel eyes that's your nickname." 

"fine lets just go see what the shadow proclamation says." 


"doctor you have a very smart one on your hands this time not like that donna girl. oh this time shes a quarter timelord now I know why you are here." 

"just tell us where she has to go and what she has to face in order to become a full timelord." 

"when you met donna and help finish the job of the racnoss." 

"you know I cant do that it would mess up history. you want me to have never met donna besides that would cause a paradox and another rift in time and space you know we cant do that." 

"ok the beginning of time its self and destroy a dalek." the doctor opened his mouth to protest. 

"doctor keep protesting and I may not be able to become a timelord at all! ok I accept the 'challenge' doctor off we go!" 

"Allons-y." and we walked into the tardis and we flew to the beginning of time and space.  

"Doctor why didn't they just kill the daleks when they were created?" 

"they were hidden untill the timewar. people didn't know what a threat they were just like the goasts when your mother was traveling with me that's when I became in dissagreement with torchwood. Do you want to locate jack first so he can help or do you want to do this on your own?" 

"I want to do this on my own but we do need to find jack." I said as someone knocked on the tardis door. 

"did someone at least want to look for me at least." jack said walking in. 

"sorry jack its her 20th birthday and we had to go see the shadow proclamation." 

"ahhhh the whole timelord thing yeah I know a chick who went throught that didn't make it." 

"thanks for the confidence booster jack!" I said sarcastically 

"whatever so whats her mission." 

"jack I want to do this one by my self ok." I was trying to make him tell me he was going to help no matter what I said and well it worked. 

"you are not doing what ever ot is alone you will need back up I am going with you." 

"all I have to do is kill a dalek." 

"I will open it and you shoot ok orcrose." 

"oh by the way I go by angel now ok." 

"I don't care what you go by you need to stay safe ok." 

"ok jack now lets go kill a dalek." 

"wait what about me." 

"come on doctor." and we'll walked out of the tardis to face a dalek I shot its eye price and jack opened its armor and I shot the dalek and we had to bring it back to the shadow proclamation so we pushed it into the tardis. 

"that was almost to easy in my oppinion." I said just as the tardis lurched. 

"were here!" the doctor said looking almost to excited. 

"doctor I am not going out there untill you CALM DOWN!" 

"fine I am just looking foward to not being the only timelord in existence. so if you dont mind i am going to be excited." he said looking like a girl whos crush just said hi to her. i used to make that face for jack. ahhhh teenageness. jack and i were pushing the dalek out the doors as the doctor was holding them open.

"back so soon?" the lady said shocked. "but it has only been 10 minutes."

"really it feels like it has been at least three hours." i said as we finished dragging the dalek out of the TARDIS that is exausting work let me tell you. i winked at the doctor as i started to explain  how hrd it was to find the dalek and then to get through its armor because it had a duralock seal but somehow we did it. jack kept his poker face the whole time i know i am going to get a lecture later for jack and mabey the doctor but right now he i still holding bak from jumping up and down about another time lord.

"we are terribly sorry but aas you can see the doctor loooks like he is going to die if we dont tell you the results of the test. Orcrose Smith we are terribly sorry but you do not meet the full criteria yet come back next year and mabey we can work something out and doctor i mean a full year not just get in the tardis and travel through time. also jack you were touched by a weeping angel but yet you are here now was it orcrose that set out to find you becuase if it was then she may be able to become a timelord." the lady said the doctor had alreeady gone back into the tardis as she was talking.

"yes mame she is the reason i was able to see her become a woman and i should hope that she can recive her full heritige."

"what do you mean become a woman?"

"well we met her when she was 17 and it seems like she has grown up right before my eyes t first when we first met her with cybermen there it was weird she knew exacitly what to do. and i am as proud of her as anbody can possibly be." jack said and i started blushing when he said he was proud of me.

"well Orcrose Smith daughter of John Smith half timelord and Rose Smith human we preent you with full time-" the lady was intruppeted by a ship crashing through the roof.

"angel get in here now we can come back later." the dotor yelled at me. i grabbed jacks hand and we ran into the tardis and breathed a sigh of relife.

"the ship that just crashed through the roof whos was it." i asked the doctor more than jack but they both answered at the same time.


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