Chapter 10

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Chapter ten

When we finally take our seats in the stands I was having trouble keeping my panic level. There were a lot of people and a lot of noise. It was even worse than school. Jaron and Sam were talking excitedly with Shayla and her friends while I sit with a stiff back. Camille was talking to amy who came along with her mother. Josh was smiling at me from the court. I couldn't smile back though. My nerves were racing.

"Relax Georgia," Jacky says from behind me, "No one is going to hurt you."

I smile a little at Josh's mother. She had the same green eyes that he did. I look down to the court where everyone was getting into position.

Josh was the tallest on the team so he was to jump. The guy facing him was about the same height. As the ref threw the ball up Josh jumped and hit it with his fingertips. Unfortunately the other team got it and they raced down the court. Our ran wears white and they get down into defensive position.

Kyle steals the ball from black's point and races down scoring an easy lay up. He was the fastest on the team easily. The crowd erupted into yells and cheers around me that make me flinch but as the game goes on I am cheering with them. Josh has scored more than half of their points. He was up for a foul shot now.

He looks at me before standing at the line. Our eyes meet and he smiles looking towards the basket now. I hold my breath as he launches the ball into the air and it falls straight through. I am on my feet clapping as the second goes through as well.

Half time rolls around and we are up by three. Josh and his team walk into the hallway connected to the gym to get to the locker room. Sam was grinning at me crazily and I'm sure I was grinning back the same way.

"That is the loudest I've ever heard you talk," she says laughing and I laugh back. I felt a little better about it tonight. Like I didn't have to hide my voice.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Camille says from beside me and I nod standing. Jacky puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll take her. You enjoy yourself," she says with a wink. I laugh a little.

"Thanks," I smile and she nods leaving. Sam and I get into a deep discussion about which guy she thought was cutest on the other team. I watched as Jaron protectively puts his arm around her scowling at the certain male she has chosen.

"Do I have anything to worry about?" He asks her with a dazzling smile. She laughs kissing him briefly.

"I'm all yours," she tells him reassuringly. I smile at them almost wishing I had something like that. Maybe Josh would stick around long enough...

The game starts back up and I look down to see Josh jogging back into position. It's white ball. He dribbles it down the court and they pass it around for a little bit before he takes it in passing it back out to Kyle who scores a three. I grin and clap excitedly. I have always loved basketball. Before mom died I always wanted to play.

That thought seems to be reality check. Everything comes crashing down. My father was probably waiting at home right now angry because he didn't get his dinner. He was probably drinking a ton and planning my next beating. Maybe he would bring the knives out again. It has been quite a while since those blades have touched my skin. 

The buzzer signals the end of the game and the people around me erupted into loud cheers. We won forty six to thirty nine. I don't stand until most everyone has filed out. Jacky took Amy to her house and Sam went to the bathroom. I was alone mostly so I stepped down the bleachers carefully not to step on discarded pop cans or other garbage.

Everyone was crowded in the halls outside the gym talking excitedly about the game so I go to step outside and wait for Josh. I close my eyes leaning against the freezing brick of the school.

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