Chapter 4

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"Hi Lena, I'm here again to take you to your next class!" Ashley said brightly.

"Hi, my next class is..." she looked at the schedule, "It's Powers." She confirmed.

"That's going to be so exciting! I love Powers! My Power is Flight, which you know. You might not find your Power today, but it's so fun once you know what it is. Depending on what your Power is, you take a special class with people who have the same Power as you, or alone if there's no one else with the same Power. But that's unlikely." Ashley seemed to fit all of that into one breath.

"Great." Lena said without much enthusiasm. When they got to the class, Ashley left her to get to her class.

"Hi, um, I'm Lena, your new student." Lena walked into the Powers classroom, which more closely resembled an art exhibit at a museum than a place where people go to learn. Huge posters were stuck to the walls, and pictures of Vampires (only girl Vampires, called Carmilas) working with their Powers were framed and lined the walls. Pages were taped up next to each picture of a Power demonstration, explaining what the Power was, how rare or common it was, and what you could do with it.

"Hello, I will be your new professor. I am Professor Parvivi, pleased to meet you. Feel free to take a look around." She spoke, suddenly emerging from under a desk, startling Lena. Professor Parvivi had dark mahogany hair tumbling down to about the middle of her back and deep blue eyes, almost the color of twilight. She couldn't have been too recently graduated, because she only looked in her late teens or early twenties. She was wearing tight fitting skinny black jeans and strapless light blue top that flared out over her waist.

"Oh, thanks. I'll do that..." Lena pushed her hair out of her face and went over to what was the only painting, not photograph in the room. It was a Calista with her eyes rolled back into her head, lying flat on her back. Lena looked at the description, curious.

The Second Sight, the Seer:

There have not been Seer for as long as anyone can remember. A Seer can see into the future, or back into the past. Being a Seer can be a gift or a curse. If it is a gift, the Seer would be able to help out others, maybe by finding out what is going to happen in a battle to see if they should proceed or stop before more lives are lost. As a curse, the Seer might see themselves or others dying or getting hurt without knowing when or where this would happen, or have no one believe their predictions.

"Wow..." she breathed out, "Imagine having that as a Power..." Lena noticed students beginning to filter in, and so she took a seat.

"This is our new student Lena." Professor Parvivi announced, gesturing towards her. "Now, this week we will study the lost Power: the Second Sight." she took the painting off the wall, "This is a Seer. No one knows who this is or who painted it. The Power, girl, and artist are a mystery. Now that you think about it..." she mused to herself, almost too quietly for Lena to hear, "She looks a bit like you, Lena!"

Lena wished she could turn invisible, if that was a Power. Everybody turned their gaze to her. Two of the Vampires that were obviously full Vampires because their eyes were completely red began to whisper as fast as they could. Sitting halfway across the room, the only words that Lena could make out were "the one..." and "but it's lost, gone!"

"Now, the Second Sight. The lost Power. Like I said, no one knows about it. It is thought that the first Seer was the last Seer. The first Seer supposedly was the first Vampire! Now, who knows some information on Seers? Marca."

One of the full Vampires stood up. "Well, the Seer has to concentrate very hard and what they are doing. They can see the past, present, or future and also..." Lena zoned out at that point, and she leaned back in her chair. Lena closed her eyes, and a scene played out with her eyes closed.

An old castle, made entirely out of gray and white stones covered in moss and had weathered to a soft, almost round shape. It stood on the edge of a cliff where ocean waves crashed against rocks and sent spray up for at least 20 feet. She suddenly seemed to pass through the walls into a room carpeted with thick and molding blue velvet.

"But the girl is too young, she cannot know. I have been told to wait a while, please! We cannot do it now. She must be trained well, and then learn her identity quickly afterwards." A man trembled, kneeling before a woman dressed in a tight black dress that showed most of her legs and a lot of cleavage. What frustrated Lena was that she had a veil over her face, so she was completely unrecognizable.

"Fine." The woman in black snapped bitterly, "I can't say I agree with this decision, but I'll just have to wait it out. You will pay for this, though. I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect in my home!" Her voice had reached a shrill shrieking noise, and she continued more smoothly, "A month in the dungeons, I believe. Or, if you want it be quicker, maybe I'll have you whipped." She licked her lips. Lena's breath was coming in short gasps.

"Please don't, I- I'll do anything, I- I believe that she is here now." he whispered.

"Who are you? Where did the classroom go?" Lena asked, "Where is everybody?"

"Listen. When the moon is bright and full, do not attack. Tell that when it is needed. And come with us in you dreams." The woman stepped off the throne in her stilettoes and walked towards Lena, the heels making indents in the carpet.

"Get away from me!" Lena shrieked as the hand came closer to her. She turned and started to run down a corridor, trying to get away.

Then the classroom came back into focus as she fell backwards onto the smooth marble floor.

"Are you all right Lena?" Professor Parvivi asked, "This is the third time! Are you all right Lena?" She ran a hand through her long hair and walked over to Lena.

"Well I feel fine, but I think I'm having hallucinations again. I saw two people in black. One said that I should-"

"We'll talk later." Professor Parvivi's voice was tight.

"She got it. You owe me five!" Marca whispered cheerfully to the other full Vampire.

Lena wondered why everyone here was now staring at her.


the cover is fixed and not all pixly so yay i hope you like this VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW ILY ALL



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