Chapter 44

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Lena and Quoim walked up the staircase. “Come on! Hurry up!” Quoim said to Lena impatiently.

“There are a lot of stairs around here.” She complained.

“Yes, that’s a very good observation. I didn’t notice that.” Quoim muttered sarcastically.

They continued going up the stairs for what seemed like hours, so Lena felt the need to keep asking Quoim, “Are we there yet?”

“No.” Quoim would answer, or, “What do you think? NO!” Then Lena would mumble for about thirty seconds about how annoying this was and why couldn’t there be an elevator in this high tech school? Then, Quoim would retort that Vampires are supposed to be strong.

“Are we there yet?” Lena asked again.

“What do you think?”

“No… But it never hurts to ask!”

“Bingo. You’re so smart. We aren’t there yet because we still haven’t stopped walking up the stairs.” Quoim told her.

“Shut up.” Lena said, smiling a tiny bit as she said it.


“You’re annoying.”

“Thank you.” Quoim smirked.

“Ugh!” A couple seconds later she asked, “What about now? Are we there now?”


Lena looked around. She couldn’t see any place to get off the stairs, but there was a door set in the opposite wall. The door had a sign with the word Private engraved in it. The only problem was, there didn’t seem to be a way to get into the room behind the door unless you jumped from the stair railing, but then you would have to find some way to unlock or turn the handle and jump into the room.

“Told you I knew where to look.” Quoim said proudly.

“What’s even in there?” Lena asked.

“Basically, this is the Private room with all of the books the school has confiscated because they don’t want us to figure out how to make the certain weapon or potion or I don’t know… they just think that we should know about whatever’s in the books but they still need to have them for referencing stuff. Nadine told me about the room last year. Really high security, even if you can’t see it. No one’s ever gotten in without being noticed.”

“And you’re suggesting that we go in there… the room that no one has gotten into without being noticed?”

Lena stayed back, trusting her common sense, which was telling her not to go in a room where she could get into massive amounts of trouble for just trying to enter.

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