Chapter 21

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A Vampire fever started from a Pixir bite was not fun. Imagine a normal fever plus throbbing throughout the body, and, in Lena’s case, terrifying visions. The worst fever you ever had. Times two. Or three. Understood? Good.

These visions aren’t even proper ones! Lena often thought. She kept seeing blurred outlines of people, their words slurred. Lena felt like she was going crazy. She had had the fever for four days, and it was still going strong. At least I can talk now. Lena hadn’t been able to talk over the first two days much more than a mumble.

Talla had told the castle Healer about Lena, but not many details, just about  the Pixir bite and how it had been Naran’s Pixir... The school Healer, also Talla’s mentor, was called Rhia. Everyone called her that. Lena didn’t even know if that was her first or last name. Or if she had another name. Rhia couldn’t be much older than any one of the students at the school, who started at the age of eleven and left at the age of eighteen. Eight years at Half Moon. Rhia was around twenty, but seemed much older in experience. She had wavy brown hair streaked with blond highlights down past her hip and somehow just made everyone feel better when she walked in. She was like a capsule of calmness. Lena guessed that was how Talla managed to sometimes manage to seem calm in the face of a crisis.

Rhia had been over a few times, but assured Talla she was doing everything right, and she thought that it was fine in her hands. It might have been Friday. Or Thursday. Or Monday. Lena had no idea how much time had passed. For a while, a thought had been bugging Lena: Why hadn’t she been brought to Half Moon when she was eleven? I mean, Ashley’s here, and she’s eleven, and there are a bunch of other eleven year olds in Year One... but I got found in Year Two... Why? And in the middle of it, in November! Quoim’s right there, Lena! Just ask her! It was true. Quoim was about four feet away from her. So why not ask? Lena was afraid of some weird answer, some reason that made her... very different, weird... bad reason, making her much less of a Vampire. Just do it, Lena! What’s the worst that could happen? ...Don’t think like that. Lena steeled herself, took a breath, and spoke. “Quoim?”

“Yeah?” She looked up from her map of Full Moon, which she was working on again.

“I was wondering...” Yeah, just wondering. Dying to know, more like it. “Why- why didn’t I get put in Half Moon for Year One? I mean, you were... or is it just because you were already put in the school because your parents knew about it? Or... why?” Lena blurted out.

“Well... since I’m part of a... all-Vampire-awareness family, and they all went to here or Full Moon, then it’s kind of hard not to get in. Because they all know about it. But, Vampires like you, born without a family aware of the school, it’s harder to get here. You start getting noticed by people, Vanessa, Slade, Werewolves, and the Vampire schools. We send in people to get Vampires and bring them back here.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“But... hey! Guess what?” Quoim asked Lena and Calista, grinning.


“Boys, that’s what!” Quoim squealed loudly.

“Huh?” Lena asked, confused.

Calista just raised her eyebrows, pointed to the book held in Quoim’s hands, and said, “Let me guess. It’s got something to do with Full Moon.”

“Correct! It’s a tradition, that every two years, Full Moon comes to Half Moon, or Half Moon goes to Full Moon for a quarter of the year! And this year is one of the two, and Full Moon’s coming to Half Moon! See, here it is, in the writer’s very own words! ‘An upheld tradition between Full Moon and Half Moon is that every two years, a visit to one school is held for a quarter of the year. Then the other school goes back to their own grounds. Many new couples are made through this period, and many midnight visits are made to the regret of every Head of the schools in history. Kissing in full moonlight on New Years seems to have started back on the first anniversary of this event every two years for the same reason: young romance.’ Oh, doesn’t it sound AWESOME?”

“God, Quoim.” Calista said, “Why are you so excited? You seriously expect to find yourself a boyfriend at age twelve in a quarter of the year?”

    “That’s thirteen to you, non-believer!” Quoim stuck her chin out defiantly towards Calista.

“Mmm... The only thing that interests me about those boys is that we might be able to figure out how many want to get rid of Slade and Vanessa even if they don’t know where they are...” Calista commented.

“I, personally, think that Quoim has a chance of getting a boyfriend... As I hope I can... He could help with the Slade and Vanessa thing, too!” Lena countered.

“Uh huh. People, stop being so feminine and medieval! You don’t need a boyfriend at age twelve or thirteen in my opinion!”

“Your opinion.” Quoim said snidely as she turned back to her very interesting book.

Calista shook her head and turned to Lena, giving her a can-you-believe-her-in-love-before-she’s-even-seen-the-boys-there look. Lena shrugged, she personally was being split in two.

“Had any visions, lately, Lena?” Calista asked as Quoim closed her book with a snap to listen.

“No- I mean, um…” the pillow was so soft, so comforting, smooth... it bent as she sunk her heavy head into it. Talla had given her sleep medicine, and every couple hours she became very drowsy. Her head sunk deeper than the pillow, and she sunk into sleep.

Calista sighed. “All she does is sleep every time we’re onto something because of that stupid medicine. She looks fine to me!” she grumbled to herself, and then glared as Quoim turned back to her pink and gold book.

*  *  *

A couple days later, Calista came running in, panting, and carrying a thick and black book under her arm stamped in gold “Seer: What did our one and only known Seer do in her lifetime?”

 “Lena! Quoim! Talla! Come here! Quick!” She panted out as she ran in. Quoim walked up to her, and Lena propped herself up with pillows.

“What?” they both asked, Lena in a slightly more excited tone of voice than Quoim, Talla had just left.

“I- I found it! It’s Lena! The Seer! She was the one who backed Slade and Vanessa down at the end of her life- and her followers!  And- she was their cousin- and- some Powers can only be passed down by blood... like being a Seer! Lena’s her descendant, she’s also Slade and Venssav’s descendant, but… Do you get it? That’s why she has visions! She’s connected to them by blood and Lena could kill them off!”

AUTHORS NOTE: dundundudunnuundudndudn YAY lol well I have stuff to do so I hope this is not a horrible update ugh SO MANY TESTS AND DRAMA AND UGH NO STAHP lol ok bye VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW



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