Chapter 9

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Lena stepped to where the voice was coming from, and was surprised to find a tunnel. She was sure it hadn't been there before.

"Where did this come from?" Phelicia made a soft chirping noise and flapped her wings excitedly. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and Phelicia made a beeline for it, taking off from Lena's shoulder and landing with a muffled thump.

"I'm a Shadow Walker. I got the shadows to open the path for us. Now Misha and Ellevet are going to have a hard time finding us, eh?" She laughed happily.

"But can't they just come through?"

"No. The tunnel opens only for Shadow Walkers, we are the ones who opened it. Some other Shadow Walker could, but I'm the only Shadow Walker at this school that I know of."

Lena watched in amazement as the rocks fused back together. "Now what do we do?"

"We're going to the Heart of the mountain. It's like the center of it that control it... it's like a normal heart and brain. I love it in there, it's so much better than this passageway, the passageway is so thin!"

They continued along the damp and shadowy passageway until they got to the ball of fire. Phelicia's outline was visible against it, they were almost blending together though. She fluttered up to land on Lena's shoulder after pecking at the light for a while. They had reached the mountain's heart.

It was small, but not as small and damp as the tiny cave that they had entered. "That's the Heart. The mountain runs off of it. Everything has a Heart, the Control of the mountain is in this heart. Even the world has it's own Heart. It would be really bad if someone got to that and used it the wrong way. They could make earthquakes and fires and new animals and tsunamis and- it would just be bad. A lot of people try and get it, but no one has every actually succeeded. The earth's Heart is inside the core of the earth, so it's pretty hard to get at. It's not a good idea to do unless you're immune to fire."

On the ball, in very neat handwriting, words flashed by as the heart rotated: I am the heart. Who are you? I know the secrets of the mountains, do you? Why have you come? I answer only to Seers. Who are you? Why have you come? I know the secrets. Do you? I hold you in my Power when I want. I get what I want. I am the mountain. I know the mountain. The mountain is me. Fire... Fire... Fire... Fire...

"Seer? Fire? I am a Seer, and Phelicia is a Phoenix, Phoenixes are Fire. Is the heart talking to us?" Lena gasped.

"It might be, it's never done anything like this before."

Lena turned to the heart, feeling awkward and stupid talking to a ball of fire, like talking to the sun. "I am the Seer. I have come with the Fire and the Shadows." She and Quoim waited quietly, and then the ball glowed such a bright shade of yellow that they had to shield their eyes.

The surface of the ball cleared itself, and then began to write on its surface: So it is you who awoke me, another Seer. You say you have the Fire and the Shadows? I am the Seer of this mountain, I See who you are fellow Seer. I am the Fire of this mountain and I sense that you have brought me the Fire. As for the Shadows, they already opened a path to me. What do you need? What is it you seek?

"Seek?" Lena said blankly, "We're supposed to ask something Quoim?"

"I didn't know this could ever happen." She said weakly, "Lena, even if this is a mountain that has been transported from somewhere to the gym, it still means that this is the Heart of a real mountain. If you have the Heart of anything, you have total Control over it. Total. Control. That means nothing can stop you from doing anything! We could... do anything! This is so cool! We could get away from those two little bitches. Pardon my French."

The ball cleared itself and began to write again, Do the Shadows seek to hide? But you already can hide, my Shadow Walker. Can you not become one of the Shadows? The Heart seemed to be faintly surprised.

"I- well- I haven't ever learned how to become one of the Shadows yet." Quoim stuttered

Then I will teach you the ways of the Shadows you don't know yet. To become one of the Shadows all you do is reach out your hand to your Shadow and you will become one of them. To go back to your original form you must reach out to your partner. That is all I have for the Shadows, Seer, what do you Seek?

"Me?" Lena asked, "Well, um, it would be cool if... I don't know!" She looked around uncertainly and chewed on her lip, drawing blood by accident.

The Misha and Ellevet you wish to get away from- I could make that happen.

"You mean, get them away from us? Forever?" Quoim almost squeaked.

No, but when they are on the mountain, me, then I could get them away from you.

"But as a Seer, can't I just like, shield their eyes or something so they can't see? Like Seer is a person who Sees, is it possible to block someone's Sight?"

Then your wish is for me to teach you that?

"Well... yeah."

Alright. You, a Seer seek to get Misha and Ellvet away from you by shielding their eyes. To shield their eyes you must manage to wave your hand in front of their face somehow, then close your own eyes and you will be able to do it if you just think of what you want. You can actually call this hypnotizing, you could make them do anything you wanted, but I would not suggest it. I have lived for many thousands of years, and I know that having total Control is not a good thing. I imagine that is why no one has found the earth's Heart yet.

"The earth's Heart, that's why... Of course! The Hearts only show when they want to show themselves! So you chose to let us see you!"

"We should probably go now..." Lena pointed out.

"Right." Quoim opened the passageway up again and they stepped out into the florescent lights.

"Lena! Quoim! Where were you?" Professor Sloan came bounding over.

"We were... hiding? Really well? And... working together?" Lena suggested.

"Congratulations! Good job!" she turned to everyone else, "Class is over! See you next time... Whenever that is!"


Im sorry this took a while for me to actually get around to writing because I got sidetracked watching ellen lol it's the besy show everrrrrr and one direction and ariana grande but I updated soooooon so yay J I get sidetracked super easily so it took me around 3 hours to write this instead of like 1- ½ hour. YEP. Anyways... sorry for the weird formatting stuff its not really working incredibly well here





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