Chapter 49

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Lena didn't recognize any of the people who were coming into the room by their voices, and she wanted to open her eyes, but if she did it would probably be kind of obvious that she wasn't knocked out by the pills that she supposedly took.

"We just need to inject her with the serum that makes her Power stronger when looking into the past, and then we also need to inject her with the Control serum- it makes her more vulnerable towards anyone who can use Control on her."

Lena heard the doctors or whoever they really were gathering around where she was lying and a bunch of rattling around of metal things. She didn't like shots when she could see them, but at least she knew when they were coming. She heard the snap of latex gloves being put on and someone wiped her arm with a freezing cold sanitization wipe.

She felt the gloved hand tighten around her arm and her eyes shot open. At the last minute she twisted out of the person's grasp, jumping through the gap between two people in white lab coats and whipping the scalpel out of her back pocket.

"Don't come near me." She said, holding the scalpel out from her, turning to every person staring at her with mouths open, "You don't know much about Seers, but I can do a lot more than just See into the past and future. You don't want to test me." Lena lied, hoping they would buy it.

"Um, we have a situation down in Lab 43, could we get someone down here?" A man muttered into a walkie talkie.

Lena groaned inwardly- of course there were lots of other people here! This was such a bad idea. She squeezed her eyes shut, and Quoim's face flashed through her head. She didn't have time to tell if she was just thinking of Quoim or if it was the beginning of a vision because she heard a woman's loud voice coming as the swinging doors were pushed open violently.

"What is the matter down here? It's not too hard to get her to take a few pills, inject her with two shots, and put her back in the room and let her wait for me there!" Vanessa snapped, but suddenly she realized that there was no one on the operating table and that Lena was actually standing, half surrounded by the lab people while holding a very sharp and shiny scapel.

"Lena, darling. I'm sure you know who I am- Vanessa, if you weren't aware. Anyways, be a dear and drop that knife, or I'll make sure you regret it."

"You obviously missed what I said earlier- there are things you don't know about my Power. So... I would suggest that you just leave before you regret something that you do." Lena responded coolly, hoping that she wouldn't get caught in her lie.

"Then show me." Vanessa responded. Lena groaned internally. How was she going to get out of this? She  closed her eyes, and even though she was an atheist, she considered praying. What could she do? She opened her eyes and stared at Vanessa, trying to Look into her mind, but she couldn't get through.

I'm going to die. Or they're going to kill me, or torture me, or something... And I'll die. And they'll go around killing people! Lena thought to herself, horrified. She turned to one of the people who tried to inect her with one of the serums and imagined her just dropping to the floor, dead. She could see it now- her just falling over and dying. Not in too much pain, just kind of like falling asleep and then she would fall to the ground and be dead. All of the sudden, she wasn't just seeing it- she was Seeing it, and then it was happening.

Her body hit the ground with a thud that echoed throughout the now silent room, her hair spread out in a halo around her head, and a little bit of blood trickled onto the white floor.

For a moment Lena thought she was going to be sick- she had just killed someone. That wasn't supposed to happen. She was just supposed to make a quick getaway, somehow. And then once she was gone... Something would happen, and everything would be okay. They would send these people to Vampire prison or something. She hadn't really thought too far ahead. Vanessa, however, did not look too impressed.

Lena turned to the next operator, who was still just standing there. Within a minute, everyone around them was lying on the floor, dead. It was practically a circle, surrounding Lena.

"See? I told you not to test me." Lena smiled at Vanessa, even though inside she thought that she was going to throw up.

Vanessa's lips pursed together, but she didn't say anything.

"What are you planning?" Lena took a step towards Vanessa, "What do you want with my father? I don't know him, so I don't really care too much about him. But, there are some people that I do care about, as you probably know. So... What are you doing? And why is it connected to my father? Because that obviously means that it has to be connected to me in some way. The thing is, I can't really figure out how."

"Your father... Is not a good man." Vanessa said, "He needs to be stopped."

"And you're better than him? That's hard to believe, considering that there are books written on the terrible things you've done and nothing on him that I've been able to find." Lena retorted, annoyed.

Vanessa looked at the bodies surrounding Lena, "Don't go too far. You're going to turn into him if you're not careful."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Lena screamed, suddenly feeling furious, "You cannot just come in here and start telling me what an awful person my father is and how I'm going to end up awful like him if I don't even know who he is and I don't remember anything about him and I don't understand what you're saying! What could be so absolutely horrible about this man that makes you want to stop him? Because from what I understand, you have killed hundreds- thousands of Vampires, Werewolves, and Humans! How could he possibly be any worse than you?"

 "He killed my brother."

AUTHORS NOTE: aaaah sorry this took so long I was going to try and finish the whole story in one chapter and then I decided it was taking waaaaay too long to write SO it's going to be a bit short but im finishing up the story soon :) also I started high school this week so thats exciting! okay love you guys bye VOTE COMMENT FAN


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