Chapter 30

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“I mean, it couldn’t be that bad right? Them being sighted doesn’t necessarily mean…” Quoim paused.

“That they’re going to attack? Everyone’s afraid that their family will be found dead, killed by those two. Even if they don’t attack, every single Vampire is still going to be super scared.”

There was a click. You obviously couldn’t Vampire call or even call the Human way in detention for very long. It was Quoim’s fifth detention in four days.

“Listen. It’s impossible for us to know what we’re up against unless I go back in Time. Now.”

”Wait a couple days, please. Wait for Full Moon, Calista.” Lena begged.

“Fine. It’s Thursday, I’ll leave around Tuesday.”

“Two weeks.”

“Two weeks is too far away! We don’t know what’s going to happen in two weeks! I have to leave sooner, Lena.”


“Lena, I have to go. We need more information on them!”

“No. Stay.”

“I’m leaving!”

“No, you’re staying.”

“I’m. Leaving.”

 “I don’t care what happens in two weeks. You’re staying until we really figure out how this works, or I’ll tell Professor Parvivi and Madam Arach and they’ll block your Powers.”

“You’re so nice, Lena. Fine!”


“I only did it be cause you don’t seem very concerned that there are two Vampire-Werewolf hybrids and their followers focusing their lives on killing you!”


“So? That’s it? I don’t want you to die, Lena! Most friends don’t just turn their backs and say, oh, whatever if she dies! I can’t deal with the fact that you could just end up dead because I didn’t go back in Time and figure out some of the history that’s not in books and some of their weaknesses!” Calista looked about to break down and cry.


“We’d better get some sleep.” Calista got into her pajamas and pulled the covers up to her chin. Lena sighed, and followed her lead, letting her mind wander. Before she knew it, she was asleep.

*  *  *

A loud smashing noise woke Lena up.

“Who’s there?” Lena asked sleepily.

“Let me in! Stupid door! Ugh!” Quoim was shouting, and a couple seconds over the room shook because she had kicked the  door.

Lena got up, the room spinning slightly around her, and opened the door. “What the fuck is your problem? I’m trying to sleep.”

“Hi, Lena. Thanks.”

Lena climbed back into bed and wasn’t woken until 7:00.

“We have to get out for a bit so they can set up the extra room.”

“I’m not moving.” Lena snuggled down deeper in her warm blankets.

“Told you.” Quoim’s voice broke in, “She’s not going to get up. So Imight as well get some more sleep. Stupid detention.”

“Yep, you got that right.” Lena’s voice was muffled by blankets, “I’m not moving.”

Someone was kicking the door again. “What is wrong with these people?” Lena shouted.

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