Chapter 11

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Ashley left Lena to go to her own dorm, and Lena turned the doorknob. The door clicked open to reveal a room about as big as a master bedroom with an attached bathroom. It was split exactly into three parts, with three queen sized beds facing each other, and then another one exactly opposite the door. All of the beds had huge fluffy comforters covered in light blue dots against a dark blue background and two pillows. On one side, there were a couple of posters of Vampire things along with a bunch of pictures of what Lena guessed were Quoim’s family. The other two beds had completely empty wall space.

There was a big flatscreen tv right above the door so you could see it from any bed. A big window looked out onto the lake, which was sparkling in the late afternoon sunlight. Each bed had a closet with a full length mirror attached to the door and then a couple of built in drawers and some hangers.

 Quoim hadn’t had anyone to share the room with, so the whole floor was spread with homework, diagrams, half-made maps of places to go in Shadow form, and much more. Quoim was sitting on her bed, staring intently at a piece of paper, her long black hair falling over whatever she was working on. Slinth was curled up around her wrist, looking like a bracelet. Phelicia made a soft crooning noise and nipped at Lena’s hair.

“Quoim? I’m back.”

  “Lena! Hi! Sorry I didn’t clean up... it’s been only my room for around a year now.”

  “That’s okay. What’re you working on?”

“Oh! Okay, this is totally awesome. The Heart of the mountain showed me, or well... taught me how to become one of the Shadows, right? So if I can do that, and you can See through things and people, I figured we were going have to do some sneaking around... just for the fun of it. And I’ve got plenty of people I’d love to freak out for revenge or something. So I made this map of the school, places where we can go with the help of our Powers, you know, like places where we shouldn’t be but can get to now that we have our Powers combined.”

    “Yeah! This is going to be so fun!”

    “Yup. Anyway, look. Here you can see everything from where the farthest grounds to Madam Arach’s study. Turn it over and I’ve added some (if I might say so myself) awesome features: Half Moon School: for BOYS! I’ve never been there, so I did some research. We alternate- one year they come to our school for a semester or something, then we stay at our own schools for a year, and then we go to their school. Our grounds look so much cooler than theirs, though. They don’t have a lake, they’re just stuck in this tiny forest thing.”

    “Oh my god guess what? I can See through walls already!” Lena squealed.

“That. Is. Awesome.” Quoim yelped.

“I have like fifty tons of homework, so I’m going to start on that.”

“Okay.” Quoim looked back down at her map.

 Lena jumped up on the bed opposite Quoim’s and opened her History textbook and started reading. “What is the point of having so much homework? We live at a school. We don’t need more work!” Lena continued reading, and then asked, “Uh... Quoim, are you a full or a half?”

“It’s hard to say- my dad’s a full, but my mom’s a half, so, I’m full minus one quarter, you might say?” She smiled, “It’s hard to explain.”

“Oh. That’s cool.”

There was a short awkward silence, and Quoim broke it by asking, “Anyway, do need any help?”

“Help? Yes.”

“With what?”

“I don’t understand any of this history!”

“Well, first go to page 277... There’s a ton of explanation stuff on that.” they went on for a while, until their homework was almost all done.

“This is-“ Lena yawned, “Really tiring! Do we have this much homework every night?”

“Around this much. You’ll get used to it… You can always get up in the morning and do it super early.”

“I’m pretty sure 11:30 is almost morning.” Lena groaned.

“Whatever. We can do it later. You need to get some clothes!” Quoim exclaimed, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. A notification came on the screen, ‘Please input new data into tv for your new roommate’. Quoim yawned and clicked ‘ok’, then passed Lena the remote. “Just put in your full name, age, height, weight, hair and eye color.”

“Okay.” Lena did, then handed the remote back to Quoim.

“Let’s go shopping!” She clicked on a shopping bag icon and said, “Let’s start with shirts!”

At one, Lena had five tank tops, ten t-shirts, five skirts, five pairs of jeans, a couple more sweatshirts, three pairs of sweatpants, five loose shirts, two pajama booty shorts, a bunch of underwear, socks and bras, a different style of boots, three pairs of fuzzy socks, two bikinis, a shower towel, a lake towel, and a washcloth. She also got a new brush, a bunch of hair ties, detangling spray, shampoo, conditioner, a razor, deodorant, lotion, body butter, and a couple sprays that smelled good according to Quoim.

Just as she slipped into her new booty shorts, a loose shirt, and fuzzy socks, the door clicked open. Quoim looked up from her pillow, already half asleep, and Lena stopped climbing into bed.

“Room 759? Thought so.” A girl their age entered the room, plopping down on the last empty bed. “Hey. I’m Calista. And if you’re going to say something about how my name is the term for female Vampire, don’t, because my parents didn’t know, they’re not Vampires.”


Yay, Lena & Quoim bonding timeeeeee. Now theres Calista! Woooohoooo J anywayssss school starts tomorrow for me, that sucks so I cant write as much so ill probably update sometime over the weekend. Please read my new story 9375 Pearl Avenue Gloss, Perfection because im really liking it. I'll still write this dont worry though. Anyways, byeee. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.1K READS!




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