Chapter 10

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"I have a second Powers lesson, so I'll see you after that!" Lena waved to Quoim and headed to Professor Parvivi's room. When she walked in, she noticed it had been changed a lot.

The walls were covered in a huge piece of fabric. Why was this here and where was the Professor? The room looked apparently deserted.

Suddenly, Professor Parvivi popped up from securing the cloth to a chair on the other end of the room. "Hello Lena, take a seat." Lena took a seat, and she continued, "As you know you are the second Seer in known existence. I've heard that you are roommates with Quoim, a Shadow Walker. I know that if you two are friends, you will work well together. They are both rare Powers so maybe you will both do a mission together someday that involves both of your Powers. Anyway, you might be wondering why I have covered the walls in cloth."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that... Unless it's like a usual thing you do here after a certain point in the day..." Phelica jumped off of her and onto the table, turning her head quizzically and looking at Professor Parvivi.

"Seers can See things. That means they can See through solid things like walls or into things like people's minds. But for now, we're going to start with the basics. Because I've never seen any person new at, say, math to start doing long division and doing complicated equations before they learn addition."

"Okay." Lena murmured.

"You'll need practice, and I'm here to give it to you. I want you to try and See through the cloth, anywhere. Not through the wall, but through the cloth so you can see the wall."

"Okay." Lena got up and looked fiercely at the cloth, thinking let me see! Let me see! Over and over. However, nothing happened. Lena gave frustrated sigh, this wasn't as easy as it sounded.

"It will take time."

"But I hate when stuff takes a long time!" Lena whined, then, blushing, quickly said, "Sorry!" Lena concentrated on the cloth, building up her strength. Suddenly, the cloth seemed to melt away before her eyes, and the wall appeared before her. "Wow..."

"Good job! I knew you could do it. Being a Seer makes you very powerful. You'll probably be able to See into people's minds soon."

Lena doubted that, but she didn't say anything.

"Now, try that again." Lena did. "Great!" She pulled part of the cloth down, "Now, try Seeing through the actual wall."

Lena screwed up her eyes and tried to See through it, failing. It was much harder, the cloth had been like splashing through a puddle, this was like running through ocean turf. Seeing into minds, she imagined, would be like trying to run through thick mud up to your waist. One more time... Lena imagined lots of space behind the wall and all of the sudden saw a huge green field.

She was looking at the building from the outside. It was huge, with smooth white walls curved up to have the shape of a cylinder. There were long rectangular windows along the hallways and Lena could see a couple of people still hanging around even though classes had already started. The huge field was ringed with snow-capped mountains, effectively cutting it off from the Human's world.

There were a couple smaller buildings and a small forest nestled into the bottom of one of the mountains. Under another mountain, there was a lake fed by the snowmelt running off of it.

It was really a gorgeous campus, Lena marveled, when she was suddenly brought back to the present by a tap on her shoulder.

"You were staring through that wall for almost fifteen minutes, Lena. Next class we need to work on being able to bring yourself back into reality quickly if you need to." Professor Parvivi informed her.

"Oh, um, sorry..." Lena muttered.

"That's okay." Professor Parvivi said, "Class is over, it's time to go to your dorm."

"Okay, thanks." Lena picked up her bag and walked out of the room, only to realize she didn't know where to go. Ooops. Whatever. She shrugged her shoulders and chose a random direction to walk in.

Every spotless white hallway seemed to be the same, every corner she turned just got her more confused. Lena had no idea where she was going and was getting extremely frustrated.

She sat down and dug through her bag to find her phone, only to see the it had died. She threw it back to the bottom of her bag and groaned. This was not working out for her.

"Oh, hey! Are you lost?" Ashley asked, smiling at her.

"Yes! Can you please help me? I thought I was going to die. This place is like a labyrinth."

"I was wondering why you were even here... This is the teacher's wing."

"Ooops... Oh well! Can you help me find Dorm 759?"


Okay im sorry I didn't update super quick or anything but I was busy meeting KEEGAN ALLEN like, the guy who plays toby cavannugh on pretty little liars OMGGGG I got his autograph and everything it was so fun :) anyways im also going to be starting school soon on Wednesday but our Yosemite trip got canceled because of the fires there so im still here, but with school I get really stressed out because of homework and stuff so ill probably update on the weekends one or two chapters a week. OKAY YAY ILYSM

i also want to say THANK YOU FOR READING because i have 1000+ reads on this story now so just thank you so much oh my god i love you all keep voting commenting following & reading!



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