Chapter 47

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         Lena’s watch had to be almost over, it felt like she had been sitting in the blackness for years with the mist-rain just sucking all of the warmth out of her. Her eyes started to flutter closed when she heard a loud crashing noise, followed by a scream and someone groaning.

         “Hello?” Lena got up and came out from under the tree, “Who’s there? I have-“ she grabbed a stick, “I have a very dangerous weapon!”

         “What the hell?” She heard Calista ask, “Why am I out in the middle of the woods where it’s pitch black and wet and cold?”

         “Calista?” Lena asked in disbelief.

         “Calista’s here?” Quoim shrieked, running in there general direction, tripping over Decia, and landing in a pile of leaves. “That hurt.” She grumbled, facedown.

         “Will everyone just please shut up? Some people are actually trying to sleep here!” A girl yelled from inside her tent.

         “Ooops.” Calista muttered, “Why are we all out in the woods? Did someone burn down the school or something? Because I would’ve thought that they would come up with a better plan than this one for something like that. Maybe they could’ve just sent everyone home. That’s what I would do, personally. Because it’s actually quite miserable out here, and I’d rather be curled up under a comforter watching Pretty Little Liars, drinking hot chocolate, and eating ice cream with caramel filled chocolate squares smushed on top.”

         “That was really… A lot of talking. We’re out here because it’s Wilderness Week, and we have to do loads of wilderness stuff because we’re pretending it’s like the 1200s and not the 2000s.” Lena explained, “So, the school has not burned down. We just can’t go back for a few more days. How was your stay back in time? And how did you even find us?”

         “It was nice… I can tell you more later. I just came back to wherever you were, and that happened to be here. Which was really quite confusing, by the way.”

         Quoim had by now picked all of the leaves out of her hair and dusted herself off, and was now remembering how worried she had been about Calista and how Calista had basically just left without telling her, so she went off into a rant about it. “Do you realize how worried I was, Calista? You thought that you were going to be such a little hero and go back in time and figure everything out- to be honest, I don’t even think whatever you were looking for was that important, because I didn’t even know if you would ever be coming back. Do you realize that? You just picked up and left, and Lena had to tell me. And we had no idea what was going on due to the fact that you said it would be two weeks and then it was two weeks and you weren’t here. What if you died? That could’ve messed up so much! You wouldn’t have been born, or maybe you would have but then you just disappeared and would’ve ceased to exist and people would go looking for you and find your bones except they would be like ten thousand years old and that would just- do you realize how much you could’ve messed up the space time continuum or whatever it’s called? I don’t understand it, so you sure as hell can’t because I’m a Vampire who grew up around people with Powers and all that shit and I don’t really understand most of it so basically you could’ve gotten hurt and oh my god I was just so worried about you don’t ever do that to me again you little bitch you had me so worried I could’ve died!” Quoim paused for a breath, “Wow… It was nice to get that all out! Did you bring me anything cool from the past that I can sell for loads of money because of how old it is now?”

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