Chapter 1

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I flutter my eyes open, I reach over to grab my glasses that were on my side table. I place them on my face, and glance over at the clock.


Whoops, I woke up 5 minutes late. Whatever, it's only 5 minutes.

I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth. And got into the shower. Until my sister Kylie barged into the bathroom. Great Timing!

"OMG! Jasmine. What the heck! Why didn't you lock the door! Eww!" Kylie yelled.

"Well should've knocked! Now get out!" I stated pointing to the door.

"Jeez, someone got attitude." Kylie said closing the door, and checking if it was locked.

Good. Now I can enjoy my morning shower. After 10 minutes into my shower, I got out. Dried myself with my towel, and I put on my bathrobe. I went into my room again. I looked at what to wear. I finally made a decision. I wore a crop top that had a tiger face on it with the words 'Warrior' on it. The shirt was black and red, then I wore ripped bleached jeans, and black Vans. Then I made a bun, on my hair. And for my makeup I just did a fair smokey eye. I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs. I saw Kylie already devouring her breakfast. For breakfast I just made a fruit salad with toast and a frappuchino from Starbucks that came in a glass bottle.

"Jasmine it's 6:50! We're going to be late for school!" Kylie yelled from the living room.

"Oh my god! Crap! Lets go!"

I rushed out of the house and went in my car. I started the engine Lucky for me I'm 16. So I got my license hehe. While Kylie still has 1 year until she gets hers. She's 15.

We finally arrived at school. The ride was quite, at least it wasn't awkwardly quite. Kylie just spend her time on her phone the whole car ride.

"Good luck Ky Ky!"

"Good luck to you two Jazzy!"

Ky Ky was my sisters nickname, everyone called her that. Sometimes I would call her Kylie or just Ky. But to bother her I would call her Kyle!😂 I'm so cruel sometimes.

I walked to Math. I sat down in my seat next to this kid called Zach. He was the 'Popular' guy of the school. He's so annoying! He would make me do everything for him, but I would reject him all the time.

"Hey! Jasmine, can you go sharpen my pencil please?" Zach said with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah.....No thank you" I said fooling him. He smiled when I said 'Yeah' but then frowned when I said 'No Thank You' haha that's what he gets! He got up from his seat and sharpened his pencil himself. Yep, that's right. Better learn your lesson Zachary! ;)

School actually went pretty fast. That was good for me cause I hate school. Well, Who doesn't!

I was sitting on one corner of the couch with Kylie sitting on the other. I was watching Mean Girls, while Kylie was on her laptop with her headphones in watching Teen Wolf.

"Jasmine and Kylie we need to talk!" I heard my father say. I was the only one to hear my father, so I shook Kylie and I told her dad need us so we went into the kitchen.

"Something wrong?" I asked my father.

"Uh no, well uh.. I don't know how you'll react to this.."

I was worried on what he was going to say, I was biting my lip. I always do that when I'm nervous.

"We're moving to San Antonio!" my father said.

"Wait what! OMG really! Wait OMG that's where Austin Mahone lives!! Ahh!!" Kylie said, she jumped from her seat and started skipping and then sat back down.

"Jasmine what do you think about moving to San Antonio?" My dad asked.

"Too be honest I don't care that were moving. As long as I'm not in the same school with that Austin Mahone kid, That Kylie likes." I said.

Kylie gave me the death glare, and then started to say something.

"Are you stupid! It's Austin Mahone! You are so mean! You know how I am when people are rude to my favorite celebrities.!"

"First of all Austin Mahone is not a celebrity! And second of all I'm not mean it's just my opinion! And don't call me stupid!"

Kylie got out of her chair and went into her room. I startled once she slammed the door.

"Well I'll you call you down for dinner." My dad said. I went into my room as well. And went into Instagram. I saw that Kylie had posted something on Instagram.

It was her with a smile on her face. And she was lying down on her bed. The caption read;

"Moving to San Antonio! So excited! But Jasmine says she doesn't want to be in the same school as Austin Mahone!😑 Ugh.. But I do! And I will demand my dad. So wish me luck!😝✌"

She had 35 likes and 15 comments telling her 'Good Luck' and 'GoodByes' then there was one that really made me upset.

"Your sister is so stupid! Tell her to go die. I mean it's Austin Mahone! I would die if I were moving to San Antonio and I got to go to the same school as him!😑😜"

Okay, calling me stupid can hurt me but being told to go die can literally break my heart. I'm extremely insecure. I started to cry into my pillow until my sister came into my room. She sat in the corner of my bed.

"Jasmine? Can I talk to you?"

"No get out!" I said pointing to the door.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't meant to be mean to you earlier. You know how I am when people are disrespectful to my favorite singers/celebrities when they know I'm right there." She explained.

"Whatever, I forgive you. And one question."

"Yea sure. Hit me."

"Who was that girl that said tell your sister to go die?" I also showed her the comment.

"Oh that's my friend her names Emily. And she hates you! Like a lot. But I ignore her when she says hateful comments about you."

"Oh.. Um.. Ok." I said, while fake smiling. Wow that girls hates me? What did I do to her!

Well soon I'll be living in the same town as Austin Mahone lets see how that goes.


So this was my first chapter!
Ahh! It sounds so good.
I really hope you guys like it.
There will be a lot of updates I promise!
Plus I'm not going to school until September!
So yea expect a lot of updates also comment what you think about this fan fiction!
It's my first story so I want it to be perfect. Who know maybe there will be a second part!
But I did promise a Demi Lovato fan fiction so.... Yea.😉💕

Stay Strong.✨

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