Chapter 3

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"Lady's And Gentleman we'll be landing in 5 minutes." Said the pilot.

"Yay! Soon we'll be in San Antonio!" Kylie yelled.

Everyone started looking our way. I turned so red, I was embarrassed.

"Kylie shut up!"


"You basically got everyone's attention on us!"

"Whoops." She said, rolling her eyes.

We finally landed. We got inside the airport, and then there were was a man with a paper in his hand that said 'Monroe' that was my last name. So I guess he'll be driving us to our new house. Which I'm excited to see how it looks like. My dad earned a good amount of money, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing. My dad told us we were going to live in a penn house.

The penn house had 4 rooms, 1 would be my bedroom, another for Kylie, another one for my father, and one were we will turn into me and Kylie's hangout kind of room. Then we also had a laundry room, 2 bathrooms. A kitchen, living room, and a small patio. For what my father has told me its really modern.

We got into the mans car, my dad sat in the passenger seat, while I sat in the back with Kylie.

"I can't wait to go see our new home!" I said, with a huge smile on my face.

"I know me two!"

The whole car ride was just me on my phone, Kylie on her phone, and my father having a conversation with the man who was driving home. The man looks like he was in his 50's.

We got to the building were our new home was. So I guess were living in a building. Which means with other people.. Gross! I seriously hate living on a home where people live in also, and you call those people Neigh-Neighbors..

This is going to being a crazy time living here.

We got into the building which looked really modern, fancy. It had a huge chandelier. I was probably looking at it for a good amount of time until Kylie hit me in the arm.

"Um.. Ouch!"

"Sorry! You were dozing off, and staring at that beautiful chan-chan.." And with that she stop talking and admired the chandelier. I hit her in the arm.

"What the heck was that for!?"

"Kylie, you were admiring that chandelier just like I was."


I rolled my eyes and went into the elevator. We got to the floor were our new home was. My dad got out the keys and opened the door. Holy Cow! Was this place beautiful!!

The house was so modern, and fancy! My dad is the most awesomest person in the world! I'm one lucky girl to be living in a place like this. I ran to my room, it was painted just the way I wanted it! White, with red roses painted on the wall. All that needed to be done was to put in the furniture. My dad already order the bedding I wanted, lamps, side tables, desk, everything! And then I glance over to the door, there was my favorite favorite quote.

It was written in really good cursive, but still able to be read.

"OMG Jasmine! Your room is beautiful! Come look at mine!" Kylie said grabbing my arm, and pulling me into her room. Hers was gorgeous! Her room was painted white but on the wall across from where her bed, was a painted a beach. The sea was light blue, and there was the sand, and palm tress. It was gorgeous! I loved it!

Kylie always has loved beaches, and she said when she ever wanted to re-model her room she would want one of the walls to be painted into a beach.

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