Chapter 11

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I rushed down the stairs, with my phone in my hand. I started to tear up as I took each step, what was going on with my dad? He wants to make us bleed our lives out?

But why? What did we do to him, we were good daughters growing up. He was a loving father a normal father.

But now he's a monster..

"Kylie! Come see this! Kylie!" I yelled as I took my last step.

"What! What happened? Are you hurt?" Kylie said running towards me.

"No. But soon we'll be.." I said frowning.

"Wait what?! What do you mean?" Kylie said shaking.

"Here read this." I said handing here my phone she grabbed it and read the message. She started tearing up as she read each word. Then she finished and looked up at me with her big brown eyes.

"So he's out for us? I mean like he's planning to kill us?" Kylie said looking into my eyes.

"Well I don't know if he wants to kill us, but he is out for us. And he's planning to kidnap us and beat us."

"I'm scared." Kylie said shivering. I hugged her tightly, comforting her.

"It'll be okay.. I'm here to protect you." I said smiling, she smiled back. And we walked back into the living room, where Alex and Austin where.

"Hey." Austin said smiling at me.

"Hey." I said sitting next to him.

"So what just happened. What was all the crying and hugging thing about?" Alex asked me. Kylie shot me a 'Show Him' glare. I nodded and handed Alex my phone he read the message, and when he finished his gaze went from the phone to Kylie, to me and then back to the phone.

"I can't believe this. I-I'm so sorry guys..." Alex said looking down at the floor.

"It's okay. I mean now we have to be really cautious." I said looking down.

"Yeah. But me and Austin will protect you guys."

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"I want to see!" Austin said getting off the couch and grabbing the phone out of Alex's grip. He read the message and looked at me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Jas." He said with a sad look on his face.

"It's okay."

He smiled and we all stood there in silence for about 5 minutes.

"Hey! Why don't we go to the beach and then we go to the boardwalk and go on the rides!" Austin said breaking the silence making me jump.

"Alright sounds like a plan! But we have to be cautious ok?" I said. They nodded there heads and we went to our rooms and changed. Kylie changed in the guest room. Alex in the bathroom, Austin in the bathroom (they both took turns) and I changed in Austin's room.

I put on my bathing suit that had a tribal print on it with a Hawaiian flower on the corner, and then I put on a maxi dress on. It was orange, yellow, and pink. It had a cute pattern on it.

I had went back home and grabbed some clothes and stuff. I had to bring Kylie, Austin, and Alex along.

I left my naturally light brown hair fall over my shoulder and I packed some items to take. Then I opened the door to walk out until I ran into Austin. I let out a 'oomf' as I crashed into him.

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