Chapter 17

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"Austin this is amazing! But you guys tricked me!" I said laughing and punching his arms lightly.

"Sorry I mean I told you it was going to be a surprise! And your wearing the cute bow." He said giggling.

"Yep just for you." I said kissing his cheek and sitting down on the blanket.

"Ok so I have food in the basket in case if your hungry." Austin said.

I opened the basket there were bananas, grapes, mangoes, and sandwiches. With juice and chips.

"Awe this is cute!" I said. Austin chuckled.

"There's something in the bottom."

I have him a confused look. Then I looked at the bottom of the basket. There was an envelope and it had my name written in it with a heart on the side. I laughed to myself and opened it.

There were plane tickets. I looked at them and it read California. I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth then I looked at Austin and he was laughing.

"Oh my god Austin! Are you serious plane tickets! Your amazing!" I said tackling him. He hugged me tightly and I laughed.

"Who else is going?" I asked.

"Alex and Kylie. And the crew!" Austin said smiling big. I stood there in shock.

"This is amazing! But what about school?" I asked.

"Don't worry where going to California during spring break. We leave on the Friday then we come back Sunday.

"So were going to be there for a week and two days?!"

"Yep!" He said laughing.

"I love you!" I yelled hugging him.

"You-you do?" He asked pulling away from the hug.

"Of course! You've done so much for me. Why wouldn't I love you! Your the most amazing person I've ever met!"

"I love you two." He said kissing my cheek.

"Ok let's sit down. And eat cause I'm hungry!" I said. Austin giggled and handed me a sandwich with a juice.

"Peanut butter and jelly! My favorite!" I exclaimed.

We ate our sandwiches and talked about California. We ate the rest of the food. We acted like little kids as we fed each other and laughed. We also played with the Nerf guns that Austin had. And we played board games and laughed some more.

"Ready to go swim?" Austin asked me.

"What but I don't have it on."

"Oh.. Uh. There's a bathroom over there." He said pointing to a portable potty. I laughed and grabbed my purse.

It felt weird changing in here... But I put on the bathing suit that I had bought at the mall. I kept my hair like it was and headed outside. Austin turned around and smiled.

"Ready?" He asked standing up.

"Yeah." I said shyly and he took my hand as he led me to the water. I stepped in and flinched at how cold the water was.

"You'll be fine. Come on." Austin said giggling.

"Austin it's cold!"

"I'll carry you." He said lifting me up and he stepped in until the water was his chest. I started shivering and Austin tried to warm me up. I looked at him his eyes were focused on the water, I smiled and he looked down at me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I chuckled.

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