Chapter 8

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"Dude she's upset that your ignoring and being rude to her." Alex said to me. She actually seems like she was. Should I go talk to her?

"Yea, I mean the real reason why she doesn't want to go swim is actually because she can't swim. She's never learned." Kylie said looking at me.

"Wait what? She doesn't! No wonder! Wait but she's swimming now. She'll drown!" I said walking up to Jasmine. She was in the water swimming. I didn't take my eyes off of her. She's Gorgeous, Caring, Kind, And Funny. She's everything.

I saw her drowning. She couldn't swim. I can't see here anymore. She's in the water. Not breathing.


OMG. OMG. This is my fault. I got to get Kylie and Alex, before it's too late.

By this time I'm shaking, I ran up to Kylie and Alex.

"Guys! Jasmines drowning! Come help me come on!" I said pulling them they got up and ran to where Jasmine was swimming. I saw a body rising up from the water.

"That's Jasmine! I'll get the lifeguards!" Said Kylie running up to get the lifeguards.

"Everyone get out of the water! This is a emergency!" I heard the lifeguards yell. They started blowing thought there whistles. Everyone got out and made a crowd around us. Watching what's happening.



I open my eyes. Where was I?

Wait, I'm in the hospital. What happened?

I saw Austin, Kylie, & Alex were sitting in the chairs in the same room I was.

"Hey. Feeling good?" Austin said walking towards me.

"Uh yea.." I said sitting up. He sat on my bed and stared into my eyes. I sighed and looked away from his eyes. I looked around. I felt Austin arms wrapping me.

"I love you. I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier. I just wanted to swim and have a good time, but then I found out you couldn't swim. Then I went to look for you and saw you drowning. And they brought you here. I'm so sorry this happened. This is all my faul-"

"It's ok and it's not your fault at all its mine I shouldn't have gone to swim." I said hugging him back.

"And I love you two so much!" I said smiling and looking at him.

He smiled back and sat back down on the chair he was before. Then Kylie came over to me.

"How you feeling boo?" Kylie asked me while giving me a hug.

"I'm alright. I just want to get out of here." I said looking down.

"The doctors said you can come home tonight, once they take X-Rays and see if everything's ok with you." Austin looking at me.

"Oh ok.. What do you guys want to do once we get out of here?" Alex said.

"Uh.. Pizza and movies?" I said smiling.

"Sounds like a plan." Alex said high-fiving me.


We finally got out of the hospital. And now where heading back home, with Austin and Alex. We got in the house. I went to change into some yoga pants, a shirt that said 'I'm Dead' with skulls on it. And some socks then I put my hair into a bun. I went to join Alex, Kylie and Austin at the living room. Alex and Kylie were sitting next to each other. Alex had his arm over Kylie's shoulder and they were cuddling while Austin sat by himself, so I went and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said smiling and sitting down next to Austin.

"Hey. Want some pizza?" He asked me standing up.

"Yea sure. I'll go with you." I followed him into the kitchen and got my pizza.

"So your dads still gone, huh?"

"Yeah. I'm a bit confused on why he left." I said.

Why would he leave after beating us? Where did he go? Why did he go?

All these thoughts were going around my head. I'm just so confused.

"Um.. Can I ask what he did after we left?"

"I told you he grounded us! What else do you want to know. I even called you and told you!" I yelled trying not to get Kylie's and Alex's attention. I looked at them and they were still watching the movie.

"Why are you so moody today? What's your problem? I'm just asking god." He said walking away.

"Austin." I said gently pulling his arm.


"I'm sorry. I just can't tell you what happened or I'll get bea-" I stopped talking. I was so close in telling him I might get beaten if I told him what happened.

"You might get what?" He said confused.

"Uh.. Grounded again.." I lied. My dad would go crazy if I told Austin the truth.

"Oh.. Uh.. Okay."

"Sorry. Lets go watch the movie." I said taking my slice of pizza and a can of soda. Austin sat down first and patted his lap. I sat down on his lap and ate my pizza.

"So I guess Alex and Kylie might have a thing going on?" I said winking at Austin and looking at them sitting in the other side of the couch.

"I guess so.. It seems like it."

I giggled and went back to watching the movie. The movie ended and Austin and Alex were leaving. But I didn't want to be alone with Kylie in this house.

"Uh.. Austin?" I said walking towards him.


"Can-Can I stay with you at your house?"

"Sure! You can meet my mom! And my bodyguard Dave!" He said jumping up and down.

"You have a bodyguard? Why? It's not like your Justin Bieber." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well actually I kind of am. I'm YouTube famous. Remember? And I'm contracted to Republic Records and they gave me a bodyguard."

"Yeah.. Whatever. Lets go." I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait we have school tomorrow have to go get some clothes!" I said running into my room I packed clothes, my toothbrush, and my phone.

We got to Austin's house. And Alex decided to stay over also. So it was basically a sleepover.

"Mom! I brought over some friends!" Austin yelled once we got in.

"Friends?" She said coming out of the kitchen. She was so pretty.

"Well who are these pretty girls! Are one of them your girlfriends?" She asked. I giggled.

"Mom! No there just friends!" Austin said blushing. I giggled again getting Austin attention, he chuckled.

"Hi. Nice to meet you Mrs.Mahone." I said hugging her.

"Call me Michelle, or Mama Mahone." She said smiling. I nodded and smiled.

"Oh and I'm Jasmine. You can call me Jazzy or Jas if you want. And this is my little sister Kylie." I said pointing to Kylie. They hugged.

I looked at Austin he was smiling, he looked at me and grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers. I looked at him again and I smiled.

"Are you guys hungry? I can make you guys something."

"Uh.. Well we just ate pizza but I'm still a little hungry." I said looking at Michelle.

"What would you like, honey?" She asked. I thought for a bit and made a decision I wanted Mac N' Cheese.

"Mac N' Cheese. But don't worry I'll cook it myself." I said smiling.

"No don't worry. I'll do it."

"But can I help you out?"

"Alright come with me." I let go from Austin's hands and looked at him. He winked and smiled, I smiled back and looked back at Michelle.

"So are you guys dating?" She said nudging me.

"Haha. No. Well I mean not yet.." I said looking down.

Will Austin ask me out?


I actually want Mac N' Cheese right now!😂
Anyways here's another chapter!
We're going to the pool tomorrow with a bunch of family and friends.
Can't wait.
But there might not be a chapter tomorrow idk yet.
Because we're planning on spending the whole day at the pool so..
Enjoy this chapter!❤

Stay Strong✨

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