Chapter 16

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We got inside the house. I saw Kylie resting on the couch and Alex was giving her soup, they were giggling while Alex pretend the spoon was a plane.

"I'm going upstairs to change then I'll come downstairs." I whispered into Austin's ear.

"Ok I'll tell her to keep calm when you come down." He said smiling. I nodded and headed upstairs.

I went into Austin's room and changed into some yoga pants and into one of Austin's shirts. It looked pretty big on me but I didn't care. I took off my beanie and brushed out my hair and placed it in a bun. I took off my makeup and cleaned my face and hands. I looked in the mirror.

"Right now I see a girl in the mirror. She's been through so much. Her father abused her and threw a lamp at her slicing through her skin. She met a boy named Austin Mahone. She fell in love with him. He then asked her out and she was happy. Then she went to the arcade and she was hungry. She asked her boyfriend if he would go buy food with her. He said no and told her to go get her own darn food. She got sad and bought her food and began eating it. Then her boyfriends ex Brittany gets angry and swings her. She then starts bleeding and goes to the hospital with her friend Robert. They go in the car ready to go home, but she gets mad and yells at Robert. She can't control her anger for some reason. They get home her boyfriend answers the door he sees her and he walks away, ignoring her. Her friends ignore her she gets really angry and sad that she had a meltdown. She cried and cried. Then one of her friend comforts her and she gets happy for a bit. Then her sister Kylie gets angry over something that the girl said. She gets really angry and starts punching Kylie and had to be taken to the hospital because the girls punches were so strong. And now she's looking at herself in the mirror." I said tearing up.

I cried for a minute and cleaned myself up before going downstairs. I went down the steps Kylie turns around and looks at me. She watched my every move. I smiled at her and she turned around and looked at Austin. Austin nodded. I guess they had like a conversation... I'm confused.

"H-Hi Jasmine." Kylie said standing up.

"Ky-Kylie I'm so-sorry. So sorry, I don't know what happened I-I was angry and sa-sad that you were ignoring me." I said wiping away the tears that were running down my cheeks.

"Jasmine what you did was horrible. You put me in the hospital for almost 4 days. Yeah I did overreact a bit and I did ignore you. But I didn't know you would go physical on me. Your always the lucky one Jasmine. I sometimes get jealous." She said looking down. I picked up her chin with my finger and began to speak.

"You actually think I'm lucky? OMG. I always thought you were lucky. You have an amazing relationship with Alex who cares about you, you guys never fight. I mean I love Austin but we fight to much. But Kylie look at me I have scars all over my body because of dad. He has abused me more than he has to you. I probably have cried like 1000 times ever since we've moved here. And I have my boyfriends ex hating on me, hitting me, and calling me a boyfriend stealer. While you your just perfect you have no problems in your life." I said.

"I never thought it in that way. I'm sorry Jasmine, maybe I should be there for you more. How about we start all over again." She said stretching out her arms for me to jump in.

I jumped in them almost making her fall and I think it kinda hurt her..

"Ouch.." She squealed.

"Sorry." I said giggling a bit.

"How about we go out to diner?" Austin said giving me a backwards hug.

"Nah, I want to be home and I want to apologize to 2 more people." I said. Austin looked at me, he had a confused look on his face.

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