Chapter 10

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I arrived in front of Austin's house. The whole house was dark except for a glimpse of light that was coming out of a room. Austin's room.

I got out my phone and ran through my contacts when I come across Austin's contact, I clicked on it and call him. He answered.

"What do you want!"

"I'm right outside your house. Can you please come down and unlock the door."

"No! I never want to see your face ever again! You screwed things up, Jasmine. Can't you understand that?"

I saw him walk over to the window along with Kylie and Alex. They looked down at me, and saw my shirt soaked in blood. I started to cry, at this point I didn't know what to do.

"Are you okay? Lo-look at your shirt!" I heard Austin say walking towards me.

He lifted it up and saw my skin sliced up with blood dripping down my stomach.

"Wha-what happened?" He said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Sweetheart lets get you inside, and clean you up!" Michele said grabbing my arm gently and bringing me inside.

I turned around and mouth 'I'll explain later' to Austin he nodded and I turned around.

After about half an hour I was all cleaned up. I took a shower and Michelle cleaned my cut. At this point I hate my father, so much. He was a loving father, but ever since we moved here and me and Ky brought Austin and Alex home he's become more like an abuser. And I don't like it.

"Thank you so much Michelle. You don't know how much this hurts." I said looking down at my cut.

"Well it's my pleasure. And it's not that big of cut so you won't need stitches. And may I ask, who did this?" I looked down at the ground, and bit my lip.

"M-my father.."

Michelle looked at me and had a surprised look on her face.

"Your father? And you live with him?" I nodded. And she had a sad look on her face.

"Well your welcome to stay here. I suggest you stay here, who know's what your father will do to you and your sister if you go home. Have you told her yet?"

"No but I will when I go upstairs." I said.

"Well go ahead and tell them. I'll make you some food."

"Thank you."

And I went upstairs. I opened the door. Austin was on the bed on his phone and Kylie and Alex were in the corner giggling and poking their noses.

"Jasmine! Tell me what happened!" Kylie said jumping off of Alex's lap.

"It was dad. He threw a lamp at me and it sliced through my skin." I said with tears in my eyes

"Omg! I'm so stupid I should've known that he was probably at home waiting for us. Wait but he's back. You mean..." And she stopped and started to cry.

"It's alright. But he might be out for you and me. So we have to stick together." I said hugging her.

"Wait so your father did this? And he's out for you? So he's done other damage to you?" Austin asked getting off his bed and coming towards me.

"Yes he did this. And yes he's out for me and Kylie. Well he did ground us, and after the day that we brought you guys home he beat me and Kylie. That's why I had that bruise on my jaw..." I said crying. I went against the wall and slide down, with my hands over my face.

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