Chapter 2

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**1 Week Later**

So it's been one week later after dad has told us that we were moving to Texas. It's been a pretty stressful week. We have been packing our furniture, clothes. Basically everything we owned. Although we did decide to buy a couple of new furniture for our new home. I took advantage and thought about changing my room's style. So this whole week I've been planning how I want my room to be, and where I want things to go. As for Kylie she's doing the same thing. Except she's going to be buying more Austin Mahone 'stuff' for her room.

I'm telling you, that girl is obsessed. Not normally obsessed.

Crazy Obsessed!

I was almost done with my packing, but all I needed to pack is my shoes..

Were leaving to Texas in two days. And to be honest, I'm pretty excited. I mean Arizona is an amazing state and all but my school sucks! The kids here are all little trouble makers. I have no friends. But I have Kylie.. :/

I mean that counts right?

I'm a loser. And you know it.

I packed and took a nap. I haven't slept good lately I've been packing and designing my room. Which I'm excited about. I'm thinking about painting the walls white with red roses, starting from the bottom to the top.

And then having like my bed being white, but with black pillows. Then having two side tables, with red lamps on both of them then having a computer desk kind of thing across from my bed, where I can write songs and fill out. Yes I do sing, if you were wondering. Then next to the desk will be a large white lamp. Then I want to have like my favorite quote painted by the door saying, 'Sometimes being afraid can show more strength, than being fearless.' And then on the bottom of that quote I want it to say Stay Strong. It was a sentence that Demi Lovato said.

I wanted it to be painted on my wall because when I'm upset or I feel worthless I can look at it. And know the true meaning of it.

I know there will be a lot of drama in Texas. So it will help me.


**Two Days Later**

It's finally the day we move! I can't wait! Kylie is also excited, well of course.. Mr.Mahonie guy leaves there. You might be judging me right now of why I hate him. But it's the fact how he has so many girls swooning over him, and he's like "Look I have girls swooning over me! And I think I'm a hottie. And then look at you!" Like that's exactly how I picture famous guys are like.

"Jazzy! Hurry the plane leaves in 1 and a half hour!"

"Haha alright Ky Ky!" I said smiling. I can tell she's like really excited. Ky Ky was actually considering knocking on every house that is in San Antonio to found where Austin lives! Oh.. She's so crazy.

I got out of bed put on my glasses, and then took a shower and also placed my contacts on. Yeah I wear contacts also, I'm not wearing glasses in public! Unless I'm like lazy or were making a quick run to the store or something. Then I picked out my outfit, since we were flying on a plane I picked out an extra comfortable but cute outfit. I wore a maxi skirt that had this blue tie dye pattern kind of thing, and a lace crop top. And then I wore my soft moccasins its a weird combination but people won't see them so I don't care. Then I put my hair in a neat bun. And for my makeup I did a light blue shadow thing on my eye and light pink lipstick on my lips. My outfit looked adorbs! Too bad you couldn't see it. :/

I got my bag that I was going to take on the airplane. In case you were wondering what I had in my bag was some mints and gum because gotta have that fresh breath, then I had this pack of gummy bears caused I ain't eating that plane food. Then I packed my phone, laptop, my headphones, lipstick, chips, lemonade, and then my sweater cause I get cold easily!

"I'm ready!" I yelled as I was going down the stairs into the kitchen.

My dad was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He made a fruit salad with pancakes. Yummy!

Kylie came down wearing shorts with this lace pattern on the pockets, and she was wearing a crop top that said "I Don't Sleep." It was actually a cute shirt! And then she was wearing her black Vans of course! She had her blonde hair in a side braid.

Kylie was blonde while I was brunette. Ky Ky got the blonde hair from my mom who passed away when I was little, I'll talk about that another time and I got the brunette hair from my dad. So it's like 2 brunettes and 2 well 1 blonde.

After eating breakfast and getting ready we drove to the airport. It was actually pretty empty then other times.

We got into our plane found seats and now where in the sky flying high! Hehe..


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