Chapter 1 -The Beginning

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Poppy's POV

It started off as a pretty average day at Ever After High, I was in my general villainy class with Raven, Lizzie, Ginger, and Courtly, who ever since coming to ever after, the Wonderlandians have helped her turn a new leaf especially Lizzie and we have become friends. 

Since Mr.BadWolf  was out of the class for some reason we were all just sitting together talking. Somehow we got on the topic of crushes and I started blushing but I wasn't the only one, Raven, Lizzie and Ginger were as well while Courtly just started laughing at our blushing faces and told us with no shame that she liked Alistair. Then Ginger said that she liked a certain frog prince and once Lizzie had composed herself she said that she may like a charming and we all already knew who Raven liked. So that left me and I didn't know what to say I mean I like Sparrow, what if they all think I'm weird because I like him. Luckily I was saved from telling them when Faybelle and Duchess came over to our table. 

But  Faybelle then used her magic and threw all are our books on floor so they could sit, Lizzie then shouted "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"

While Courtly shouted "Oi hey, what was that for!" 

Faybelle went on as if nothing happened and asked with a smirk "So we're talking about whose crushing on who here." 

"Its none of your business, Faybelle" Raven said, crossing her arms. 

Duchess then turn to me and asked "So Poppy, who do you have a crush on?" 

I started blushing again and froze up, I didn't know what to do or say when to my surprise Sparrow came over and said "Lay off Duchess, Poppy didn't do anything to you so back off."

I was shocked by Sparrow defending me when Mr. BadWolf came back into the room and growled "Everyone back to your seats!" 

Then once everyone scrambled back into there seat, I turned to look at Sparrow who was starring right back at me and our eyes met before I looked away blushing but I think I saw a faint blush on Sparrow's cheeks too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Duchess' POV 

So me and Fay were finally leaving general villainy when I decided to vent my frustrations to her "I can't believe Sparrow who does he think he is also since when has he cared about Poppy anyway." 

"Don't you think your over reacting a bit" Faybelle said, rolling her eyes.

"No, no one talks to Duchess Swan that way and gets away with it" I answer.

Faybelle then got an evil smirk on her face "How about we get back at him, I mean you said it yourself no one talks you that way and gets away with it." 

"Alright, what's our plan going to be than" I ask while Fay just kept on smirking and said "You'll see."        

Sparrow's POV

After class I headed for the enchanted forest, I needed to clear my head and short things out since I knew that I liked Poppy but she probably doesn't like me back since most of her friends probably say that I'm nothing more than a charmer like my dad and I will admit that I am a bit of one but Poppy was different than the rest of the girls in school and I wish she could see me as more than just the charmer and thief son of Robin Hood. 

And in class I had my chance when Duchess started picking on her, I decided to stand up for her and tell Duchess off, except that's when Mr. BadWolf came back into class and growled for us to get back in our seat. 

But after that Poppy turned and looked at me which was when her beautiful blue green eyes met mine, her quickly turned after but I swear I saw her blush, I know I did. 

Which leads me to where I am now trying to think of a way of how to win her over. Maybe if I write her a song she'd like that I mean I see her in the rock section of the muse-ic store in BookEnd so I started strumming my guitar and writing down possible lyrics.         

Faybelle's POV

So Duchess and I came up with a wicked plan to get back at Sparrow but if I were really honest I thought Duchess was over reacting but I can never resist an opportunity to be evil so me and her went off to find Sparrow and put our evil plan into action. 

Luckily Sparrow wasn't so hard to find since he was sitting on a rock in the enchanted forest strumming his guitar, I then used my magic to grabbed his book which I lazily flipped through figuring out it was song book then I found what looked to be a sappy love song and I just had to let out a laugh "Awww are you trying to write a love song, whose it for Poppy" I taunted which finally caught Sparrow's attention who then tried to snatch the book back.

"So what if it is, why do you care" Sparrow growled.

"I  could care less although it does explain somethings but we're here for some pay back for what happened in class" I said using my magic to grab Sparrow's guitar,  his eyes widened as he demanded that we give it back while me and Duchess just laughed. 

I then cast a spell shattering the guitar into shards. Sparrow had a shocked expression on his face as he quickly picked up the shards and put them in his fedora, he also looked close to tears as he left. Duchess asked if we went to far and I told her "Nah, Sparrow's a man he can take it."               

Poppy's POV 

So after class me and Ashlynn went to go hang out in the enchanted when I told her what happened in class with Sparrow, she's the only one I've told about my crush, I haven't even told my sister. 

 I recounted my story and told her how he stood up me and how I'm sure how I saw him blush when our eyes met "Poppy, I think Sparrow may have crush on you" she said while I told her "No way, are you crazy, I mean he probably thinks I'm not rock enough to be his girlfriend." 

But Ashlynn disagreed saying "Poppy,  you're the crazy one for thinking that."

 We then talked for a bit  with her reassuring me that Sparrow liked me but she said she had made plans with Hunter so we said our goodbyes as I headed back to the school. 

But as I was walking back I heard what sounded like crying I went to go see who it was and to my surprise it was Sparrow, I want over to him asking "Sparrow, you okay?"

He looked up at me with big teary eyes "Y-yeah Poppy, I'm fine" he said, wiping away his tears.    I then when I glanced down at Sparrow's fedora, seeing what looked like his guitar in pieces. "Sparrow, who did this?" I asked. 

"Duchess and Faybelle" he mumbled his reply, I couldn't believe it why would they do something so horrible. But I knew what I was going to do, I grabbed Sparrow's hand and pulled him along with me when he asked "W-what are you doing?"

 "What does it look like, I'm going to help you fix your guitar" I replied with a smile which was when I saw that Sparrow had that faint blush on his cheeks again.

"Thank you, Poppy" he said so I now I had blush on my cheeks too.             

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