Chapter 17- Jealous part 1

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Poppy's POV

So I was in my Princessology class sitting with Darling and Rosabella we were learning about proper princess etiquette and I was bored as hex, I would rather do anything than have to learn how talk to princes and what's appropriate for a princess to wear. Luckily Mrs. Her Majesty the White Queen put on a movie so hopefully class will fly by. I then looked over at Darling who was actually taking notes, I couldn't believe it so I asked "Darling are you actually taking notes" she shook her head "No, I already know all this, I'm making a list," "A list for what" Rosabella asked. "Well you see me and Dexter decided that were going to invite all our friends to the Charming family ball our families throwing so I'm making a guest list" she then handed it to me while Rosabella looked over my shoulder. We were reading over the list when Rosabella said "I noticed that you put Chase on the list" Darling then started blushing "Of course, I mean why wouldn't I invite him, he's my friend after all" me and Rosabella shared a look, we both knew that Darling had a crush on him but she would never admit. The bell finally rang so I was headed off to my locker to meet up with Sparrow.

Sparrow's POV

After class I was waiting for Poppy at her locker when I saw her I wrapped my arm around her and gave her a kiss on the nose which made her laugh. "So how was Princessesology," I asked "Boring, how was your class" she asked, "Same, pretty boring." Me and Pops then headed to BookEnd for lunch, we ended up eating a sandwich shop we liked. "So Darling has invited us to the ball that her families having, would you like go" I was a little surprised, I didn't think that balls were really Poppy's thing "Sure, if you want to go, I'm game, I just didn't think you'd want to go to something like that" she shrugged "I usually wouldn't want to but Darling and Dexter have invited us so I'd feel bad if we didn't go, plus all are friends will be there so it won't be so bad." We both agreed that we'd go the ball when Poppy got a hext "I'm sorry, I have to go someone call in sick at salon," "It's alright princess, I'll see you later" she then gave a kiss on the cheek and left.

Poppy's POV

Once I got to the salon I had two appointments so it should be pretty laid back until it gets busy later on since I knew everyone will want their hair to look fairest for the ball. That's when Apple and Mira walked in they must be my appointments "Hey Poppy, how are you" Apple asked. "I'm good, how are you guys" "Oh we're doing great especially since the Charming family ball is tonight" I then showed them to their seats and started working on their hair. "I'm so hexcited for the ball, are you and Sparrow going" I nodded. Then Apple asked "Mira aren't you hexcited" she shrugged "Yeah, I guess" I feel bad for Mira she's one of the nicest, shyest fairytales I've ever met but almost everyone treats her like she's the Evil Queen even though she's fair from it. I finished Apple and Mira's hair "See you later Poppy" Apple said as they headed on their way. I then looked out the window and saw a crowd starting to form, looks like its going to be busy day.         

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