Chapter 12- Camping Part 2

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Sparrow's POV

The bus finally pulled to a stop and everyone started getting off while Poppy was still snoozing on my shoulder, so I softly started shaking her "Pops it time to get up" she woke up and yawned, I then held  her hand as we got off and grabbed our bags. We met up with everyone and went to the main cabin when Headmaster Grim started on this huge, boring speech about the rules, like how girls weren't aloud in boys cabins and vice versa, he finished we all went off to our cabins to unpack. I found out that my cabin mates were Dexter, Chase, Alistair, Hunter, Hopper, and Daring, once we all got unpacked, I went back to the main cabin to wait for Poppy.   

Poppy's POV

I found out that all the girls ended up being in one huge cabin which wouldn't be so bad since I had all my friends but that also meant both Duchess and Faybelle were in our cabin too. I got myself unpacked and headed back to the main cabin, when I walked in I found Sparrow waiting for me, he smiled when he saw me, it made me smile too. He then grabbed my hand and we started walking through the woods, talking about all the wicked things we'd get to do "I'm so excited for the campfire tonight, its so awesome that we get to have one every night" "I know princess, I'm excited to, I mean I get to curl up with you by the fire while roasting marshmallows every night, what's better than that" we smiled. I finally found out where Sparrow was taking me, it was the archery ring, I noticed that Hunter was practicing while Ashlynn was sitting on the bleachers, cheering him on. I figured that Sparrow came to practice too, trying to impress me but I was surprised when he took my hand instead.        

Sparrow's POV

I grabbed a bow and some arrows then took Poppy to one of the targets, I noticed her confused expression so I explained, blushing "You've been asking me to teach you archery for awhile now so I figured it'd be the perfect time to start teaching you" her face lit up and said "That's very sweet Sparrow." She grabbed the bow while I held her hands in the right position "Ok, keep your hand firm while holding the bow, focus on the target, pull back the string, now take a deep breath and shoot" we got a bullseye "Now you try" she followed my instructions and to my surprise she got a bullseye "Your a natural" she smile then gave me a kiss on the cheek as thank you. I then grabbed a bow for myself and we practiced together, it was perfect. I did end up getting more bullseyes than her but for a beginner she did great, by the time we got back it was dinner so we sat down with everyone, that's when Raven said "Looks like the love birds finally decided to join us" we blushed.            

Poppy's POV

Once everyone finished eating, it was time for the campfire so we all sat around the fire pit as Raven used her magic to start the fire, it was totally wicked since it was a mix of purple, turquoise, and orange. We all started singing campfire songs, Ginger brought out the marshmallows, so we started roasting them and making s'mores, then we were telling scary stories, I think Sparrow was a little scared but its ok, Courtly's story was pretty freaky, as the night went on, I curled into Sparrow's side while he hugged me closer, as we gazed into fire. Today has been great I finally learned archery and we had a wicked campfire but best of all I got to spend the whole day with Sparrow.      

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