Chapter 8- Nightmares

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Poppy's POV

Me and Sparrow were in the enchanted forest on a romantic date that Hunter and Ashlynn had set up. When I got their, Sparrow kissed my han then said "My lady" and showed me to my seat, "What a gentleman," I said. It was beautiful, being in the moon light, with the woodland creatures bring candles, flowers, and the food, it was perfect. We just talked while we ate, with him making jokes, trying to make laugh, it worked, I laughed, no matter how corny they were. Once we finished eating, he started strumming his guitar and sang me a love song, "I love it Sparrow, thank you for everything," "Anything for my princess" he said. Everything was going great until, we heard thunder, we looked up and saw dark clouds rolling in, as it started to rain. Sparrow then suggested we go to his treehouse since it was closer and I agreed, we ran as fast as we could but we were still soaked when we got their. I looked around the treehouse, Sparrow's bed had deep green comforter with serpent designs on it, their were also band poster all over the walls and a dartboard, wicked. I then turned to look at Sparrow who was getting out some spare clothes for me, "So here's some clothes, sorry their going to big on you, the bathroom over their so you can change," I thanked him and went to go change, the clothes were big but I didn't mind, in fact I kind of liked wearing them. I walked out and found Sparrow laying on the bed, wearing a forest green shirt with a pair of black boxers, I blushed. He saw me and patted the spot beside him, I climbed on, as we got under covers, I nuzzled his chest, as I tried to fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat in my ear.            

Sparrow's POV

I looked down at my princess in my arms, as the storm raged outside, the thunder rumble loudly outside, I noticed that Poppy then griped my shirt and nuzzle deeper into my chest, I just held her tighter in response and fell into a restless sleep. I then started dreaming, everyone started saying that was nothing more than a charmer, thief, and conman, all my friends started turning their backs on me and the only person left was Poppy, I rushed up and hugged her but she just pushed me away then turned away too and I was all alone. I bolted awake, gasping, I looked down, Poppy was still asleep on my chest, good it was just a nightmare, she then woke and asked "Sparrow, are you ok," "Yeah princess, I'm fine," she then leaned up and kissed me, I felt a bit better so I started stroking her hair and fell asleep again.            

Poppy's POV

I woke up to the sound of gasping, it was Sparrow, I asked if he was alright and when he replied he was fine, I knew it was a lie, so to help comfort him, I leaned up to kiss him, he calmed down some after that, so I curled backup up on his chest, as he started stroking my hair but as comforting as it was, it didn't stop me from having a nightmare. The Evil Queen was threating, to destroy Ever After again, so everyone decided to go to the mirror realm to stop her but once we got their we all got separated, so me and Sparrow were together trying to find the others, when the Evil Queen started taunting us about our relationship then the floor shattered like glass under us, Sparrow held onto me as we fell, so I wouldn't get hurt, once we reached the bottom, he had cuts all over his skin and he wouldn't wake up. I bolted awake, Sparrow woke up too and told me it was just nightmare and to go back to sleep then he started rubbing my back, I wrapped my arms around his middle and hugged him tightly as I fell asleep.            

Sparrow's POV

I had the feeling I was being watched, at first I thought maybe it was Poppy but when I opened my eyes, I was shocked when I saw my dad, Robin Hood standing their, signature fedora and all. "Morning son, I hope you two have clothes on under there," I blushed "DAD, what the hex are you doing here!" While he replied "Well I came to visit your mother, but I thought I'd drop by to see how your doing, and I didn't think that you'd have a uh, 'friend' over." I rolled my eyes "Dad, we didn't do anything, she's to important for that," he just nodded. "You really care about this girl," "Yeah," I replied. "Then take my advice, son, don't let her go," I just nodded, he then slipped back into the shadows and left. Then Poppy woke up "Morning, rock star," I smiled "Morning, princess," I then held her and kissed her cheeks, while thinking about what my dad said.      

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