Chapter 5- Reveled

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Blondie's POV

I was getting ready for my MirrorCast with Humphrey as my camera man when Duchess pranced into the room. "Blondie I've got your next top story right here," "Oh, what is it Duchess," she then showed me a video of Poppy and Sparrow on what looked to be date and I was shocked I didn't know they had started dating, hex I didn't even know that they liked each other. I took the footage she gave me and made it our top story then Humphrey said "Blondie your on the air in 3...2...1..." 

Poppy's POV

I was sitting at one of the huge table in castleteria with bunch of my friends eating lunch while we waited for Blondie's MirrorCast. Maddie started pouring tea for everyone at the table, Ginger then gave everyone one of the cupcakes she baked, they were delicious. I looked over at Sparrow's table he was sitting with a bunch of the guys, he then looked over and winked at me, I smiled. Blondie then came on the giant screen and started her MirrorCast. "Hello fairy tale fanatics, Blondie here and it looks like theirs love in the air at Ever After High, so our top story is footage of a certain pair on a date," my jaw dropped, it was of me and Sparrow when he was singing for me, then everyone was looking at me and Sparrow with shocked expressions, I couldn't take all their stares, so I ran out of the castleteria with tears in my eyes. I decided to head to the dragon stables, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Brushfire, I went over to her and hugged her as she nuzzled my face. "Oh Brushfire, what am I going to do, everyone knows about me and Sparrow now," she then wrapped her wing around me. That's when Sparrow walked in and approached us, Brushfire started growling at him, he put his hands up and backed away, but I told her "Its ok girl its just Sparrow." He then came over, hugged me, and kissed my forehead while Brushfire wrapped her wing around us, so I felt extra safe.                  

Sparrow's POV

After Blondie showed me and Poppy together, I was shocked, who told her anyway, then everyone started giving me weird stares, SO WHAT, we're together what's the big deal! I looked for Poppy, she had tears in her eyes, as she ran out of castleteria. I was going to follow after her but people kept getting in my way until I screamed "Get out of my way!" They cleared the way as I ran after her. I figured she may have went to the dragon stable and sure enough, when I opened the door I found her being hugged by her dragon. As soon as I approached them, her dragon started growling at me and I'll admit that I was a little scared so I backed away but she told her dragon that I wasn't going to hurt her. So I approached her again, I kissed her forehead and held her then I felt a wing wrap around us, I looked up as her dragon started sniffing and nuzzling my face, I laughed, it tickled. "She likes you, her names Brushfire" Poppy said, "Brushfire huh, it suits her." We mounted Brushfire, left the stables and took flight high above Ever After and man you can't beat this view.     

Poppy's POV

Me and Sparrow flew high above Ever After, I wanted to find a place where we could be alone, when I spotted an open field, it was perfect. We landed and started walking through woods when Sparrow asked "Did you hear something" "No probably just an animal," we continued until he said "Ok I know I hear something this time." He went over to check the bushes and to my surprise, he got jumped by three small figures, it was the forest pixies. Once he stood up the pixies started climbing on him and checking him over, "I think they like you" I laughed, "Hey pixies, do you think that you can climb down my boyfriend now." They climbed down, then hugged me and Brushfire "Its good to see you three and I'd liked to introduce you to my boyfriend, Sparrow" he waved. We chatted with them for awhile and told them why we were here in the first place when Sparrow's stomach growled, he blushed but I told him it was ok since it was probably close to dinner time then the pixies grabbed our hands and took us to their secret home in the forest. They then gave us something to eat, we thanked them and dug in, once we finished eating, they showed us the perfect place to star gaze.        

Sparrow's POV

Poppy and I were laying against Brushfire, as we star gazed since she was really great heater. I had my arms around Poppy with her head resting on my chest, with the stars shinning bright, it was perfect, despite what happen at school its been a great day. I looked down at Poppy, she was sound asleep, I don't blame her its been a long day. I put my head on Poppy, as my eyes started to droop then I felt Brushfire wrap her wing around us like a blanket, I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep with my princess in my arms.  

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