Chapter 6- Aftermath

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Holly's POV

Ever since Blondie's MirrorCast no one has seen Poppy or Sparrow and I've been worried. I was going to follow after her but when Sparrow ran after her, I figured that it would have been better for him to comfort her instead. But when Poppy didn't come back to our dorm last night, I started to get really worried so I hexted everybody and we met up in front of the school the next morning. Once everyone got their, Blondie came up to me and said she was sorry but I told her it was alright since everyone should've reacted better than they did. Raven then came up with a hexcellent idea to use our dragons to cover more ground so we headed off to the dragon stable and when we opened the door I noticed that Brushfire was missing which means they could of gone anywhere. We mounted our dragons with me and Blondie on Prince of Scales and took off, "Don't worry Poppy, I'll set things right."        

Poppy's POV

I woke up to the sound of snoring, it was Sparrow, I giggle, he's so adorable. But it looked like I wasn't the only who was woken up by Sparrow's snoring, Brushfire was also awake and started nuzzling his face again. He then bolted awake "Who, what, where, oh hey Pops," "Morning Sparrow, sleep well," "Yep, especially with you in my arms" he smirked. "You know, you snore like a grizzly bear," he blushed "I do," "Don't worry I find it cute." We stood up and went to find something to eat when the pixies came and gave us some breakfast we thanked them again and said our goodbyes then headed on our way. We knew we that we would have to go back school eventually but we decided to spend a little more time together before heading back.         

Ashlynn's POV

I hope Sparrow and Poppy are alright, I felt so horrible when she ran out of the castleteria the other day in tears but when I saw Sparrow go after her I knew she'd be alright, although I didn't think they'd run away. I was flying with Hunter when he notice the sad look on my face and said "Don't worry Pumpkin, we'll find them," I nodded. We then all landed and started looking on foot with Cerise and Ramona leading us since they knew the forest like the back of their hand, I then started asking some of the woodland creatures, sadly none of had seen them. Ramona then asked "Did you guys hear that," that's when the forest pixies jumped out, maybe they had seen them. Holly went up to them and asked "Pixies have you seen my sister, she looks like me but with short, purple hair," while I translated. I was so happy when they said they had seen them, I told Holly she was overjoyed, the pixies then grabbed our hands and lead us to them.   

Sparrow's POV

Me and Pops started talking about what we were going to do once we got back to school and we decided that we didn't care what other people thought about us, we're together so their just going have to deal with it, I embraced and kissed her, as she nuzzled my chest. Brushfire then perked up at something, "What is it girl," that's when all our friends came out of the woods, Holly then rushed up to us and hugged her sister, "We're sorry for how we reacted when we found out, I hope you forgive us." Of course we forgave them, I mean they came all this way to find us, then everyone started congratulating us, "I cannot tell a lie, and I think you two are perfect for each other" Cedar said, "Yes you two are just right" Blondie agreed. We thanked them then mounted our dragons again and flew back to Ever After High, I wrapped my arms around Poppy from behind and kissed her cheek, as we flew off into the sunset.             

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