Chapter 13- Fox

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Poppy's POV

So Ginger asked me, Sparrow, Cerise, and Melody to be taste tester for some new recipes she was trying out, they were all delicious so far but everything she baked was delicious so I wasn't surprised. Ginger had just come back with a fresh batch of cookies and Sparrow ate two before they even cooled "You know Sparrow, you could've waited till they cooled" Cerise said while he just shrugged. Once they cooled we were all about to take a bite till Sparrow hiccupped and started rubbing his stomach so I asked "Sparrow, are you ok" "Yeah princess, its just my stomach hurts all of a sudden" he hiccupped again then there was a huge puff of smoke. Once it cleared, I was shocked, Sparrow was a fox, everyone gasped then Ginger said "Oh my grim, I'm so sorry Sparrow, some animal potion must of been mixed in" he then leaped into my lap and I held him close as I stood up, Ginger then told me that she'd find a way to reverse it but it would take some time so I told her it was fine and I walked out with Sparrow. As I was walking through the halls I saw Apple who had her pet fox, Gala on her shoulder like a fur scarf "Oh hey Poppy, I didn't know, you had a pet fox too" "I don't, its Sparrow, he accidently got turned into a fox" "Awww poor thing, but on the bright side, you make a cute fox, Sparrow." I said goodbye to Apple and went back to my dorm.          

Sparrow's POV

I can't believe it, I'M A FOX, what am I going to do at least Ginger said she could reverse it. So in the mean time Poppy was carrying me back to her dorm since it was getting late once we walked in she put me on her bed while she went to go change, I looked around and spotted a mirror so I decided to see what I looked like, I still had my emerald green eyes, and red hair but it was fur, also my ears and paws were pitch black and the tip of my furry tail was white. That's when Poppy walked out "You admiring, yourself in mirror, Sparrow" she laughed, as she laid on her bed and turned on the tv, I then hopped up and curled up in her lap as she started petting me, now I see why animal like to be petted, it feels good. We watched tv for awhile, as I rolled over onto my back, Poppy then started giving me a belly rub and man did it feel good. We then got under the covers, I curled up close to her chest, as she hugged me closer, nuzzled my fur and whispered "Your fur really soft" so I licked her nose, as goodnight and fell asleep.          

Poppy's POV

Sparrow was still snoozing beside me when I heard a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door it was Ginger and Farrah "Good morning Poppy, this should reverse the spell, I just needed a little magic help" she then showed me a muffin. I let them in when Farrah said "Oh my grim, Sparrow's so cute" as she started scratching his ears, he then woke up and yawned. I picked him up "Looks like you won't be walking on all fours anymore" I said as I carried him over to the bathroom, I placed him and the muffin on the floor and closed the door. We waited a few minutes then Sparrow poked his head out, blushing "Could you get me some clothes maybe" we giggled then Farrah used her magic to make some clothes, as l handed them to him. Sparrow then walked out, hugged while I said "You know, I'm going to miss you being all soft and furry but I missed getting to kiss you more" then I kissed him.           

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