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As you walked back into the class sending Karma a silent glare.

Him trying to ignore you but a smile was tattooed on his face.

You walk over to you're desk, and sat down with a slight creek, "Hey! Y/N!" you look up to see Nagisa walking over, then you remember what Karma had told you.

But it soon ended when you remembered the picture with a slight giggle you looked up at him now with Kayano beside him.

"Yeah..?" You question as he gave you a slight smile, "Do you want so go get some ramen later..?!" Kayano blurted out before Nagisa could say anything. "Yeah sure... Doesn't someone here have a ramen shop..?"

Both of them nodded, but Kayano more enthusiastic.


As you walked out of the shop you clutched you're stomach trying not to throw up.

"Eh! I'm sorry but that ramen was crap!" Nagisa nodded, "Yeah even he knows it's bad don't worry..."

Karma catches up to us and you give him a death glare and punch his arm slightly, "Baka! That's what you are don't ever do that again! I have no idea how I even got home!"

He snickered and shrugged his shoulders, Kayano looked between you two, "What's going on here..?"

You looked the other way pouting.

Karma put his finger to his lips and let out an almost silent "Shh~" then she looked back at him, "Wait...." Then her face started to warm up. you looked af her, "No Baka!"

"What's going on kids?" You quickly turned around, Revealing Koro Sensei.

We all sighed, "Nothing!" everyone said in unison.

He jumped in shock, "What??!?!?"

A few giggles echoed.

Then I saw my time in the street.

I looked back at them smiling apologetically, "Sorry guys, my turns here."

Most if them nodded, others waved, then their was a few that said, "Bye Y/N!"

And then you turned.


As you walked into the classroom, the door sliding behind you.

You saw everyone sitting down, the room so silent you could hear pin drop.

Once you sat in you're seat, you gazed at the lady in front of the class, she slowly clapped her hands together and looked at the Class, "Now that everyone's here!"

She got up and walked to where you could see her legs, she began to pace.

Studying the students intently.

One time glancing at Karma, and others.

But you didn't like her.

She seemed not to look at people like me, or Nagisa, or Kayano...?

Then she stopped suddenly in her tracks.

And let out a sigh, "Okay!"

That one word echoed through the room.

"My name is Kitsumani Nanikana."

Then she put a finger to her chin, "Well I guess you can call me..... Nanika."

"Nanika?!" The whole class turned to look at the vessel who had echoed out the name she wanted to be called by.

Dammit Royuma.


Then she disappeared, everyone looked around the classroom for her.

But you knew where she would be, Royuma sat their with the teacher behind him.

"Yes, nothing."

_______________| / _

Hey guys!

Sorry 🙏

I knew I told y'all that I would update this next.....

But I've got the feel back! ヘ('◇'、)/

New Student Comes To Class E }Reader X Nagisa{ (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now