Respect You're Elders!

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"Now..... Terasaka is it?" She said walking in front of his desk and sitting her elbows on the hard wood.

"I can't tolerate talking back in this class..."

She suddenly flicked her finger in the air, and it seemed to hit him, then she was back at the front of the class.

"Like I ways saying you can call me Nanika~" She said and tried to smile as nicely as she could be we could all see that it was forced.

"Now what I will be teaching you is partly Kurasuma's job but I guess he needs a break once in a while.." She shrugged her shoulders, making her raven black hair sway back and forth.

"But I will be teaching you tactic." She paused and gave us a mischievous smile, "In this classroom no one should feel safe anymore."

You're eyes widened, this is the one of the things you where afraid of.

For your whole life you have learned not to trust anyone, and now you thought this was your chance, the one time you could trust people.

Now this nothing bitch has to barge in.

She is even worse then Professor Bitch!

She walked closer to you, her eyes filled with lust, staring right into you're E/C eyes.

"Child why must you glare at me with such an unloved expression...?" You look up at her, but don't respond.

"I said why child!" She yelled as you sat at your desk facing the chalkboard, the expression on you're face emotionless.

The class all gazed you're way, you gave out a sigh, "Isn't the person we should trust the last you...?"

You sat their again, glaring at her.

And then suddenly, she raised up her palm, and grazed it across your face, without touching it.

"Ita!" You held your cheek, she had just slapped you!

"You should learn to respect you're elders." Then she walked back to the front of the class.

You'd had it, so you to got up from your chair, as everyone's eyes fall back onto you. And you walked back towards her, then stopped right when your faces where inches apart.

"This is bs..... I don't even need this class." You spat right in her inraged face, "You're not allowed to leave!"

You walked to the door, and then turned your head around to face her, your eyes filled with bloodlust. "Watch me." you growled.

Then you walked out of the class slamming the door, and walking towards Mr. Kurasuma's office.

"Y/N!" someone yelled behind you, still walking towards the office, you knew
They would follow you so you still went into the office.

You slid the door open, okay that's an exaggeration.

You slammed the door open, Nagisa now behind you.

Mr. Kurasuma sat their with Koro Sensei somewhere else, but he was reading a magazine and his face had a slight blush.

So you walked over to him, took the magazine, rolled it up and started tapping it on you're other palm.

"Oh.... Kids" You grabbed one of his tentacles, slimy and all, and dragged him to the classroom.

"Y/N..." Nagisa tried to say, but you looked at him, "Nagisa she's an assassin I know that well but she should be here for him." You pointed at the octopus.

"What?!" Koro Sensei exclaimed.

Then you went inside with the both of them, then pushed Koro Sensei in, and walked back to your desk.

"And don't even you pervert."


I know I know the chapters are pretty short.

But I'll try to make the next one a little longer like 1000 words....

But whatever I'm trying to make it seem like you have a deep dark secret...

But you've probably guessed what it is anyway  ヘ('o`)ヘ

But I hope u like chapter!

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