Capture The Flag

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A/N - Before I start the chapter..... Um.... My lord! how do I say this.... Thank you for all the views.... Y'all have no idea how happy I am... Even though all my books kinda.... Never update... XP and I've only finished.

I'm sorry I didn't update regularly (every 5-6 days) on Sunday I started to feel like crap... And when I feel like this I really just want to read more then write... And if I do write I write ones that I never publish.

(Mika X Reader, Mikayuu, KilluaGon, BoyxBoy, NaruHina...)

Please just except my apologies by reading this extra long chapter.(I know it seems like I'm desperate but I just don't really know if y'all guys want me to post it >_<|) (note I started writing this weeks ago X3)

Ugh... Here we go..


Everyone was staring at you, "What?!" They all exclaimed, then she grabbed your arm, "Yes this is my child. Who I slapped."

You growl at her, "I don't know ether i
of you as my parents!"

She glared at you, her teeth clenching.

Then she pulled you up to her, grabbing your collar and pulling her lips to your ears.

"The only reason I'm letting you stay here is because I need to see if you have still trained while I was gone." Then she let go of you, letting you fall to the ground onto your back.

"Children like I've said I have turned into a new leaf."

The class was silent, except for some whispers from the girls.

"Y/N get with your class now." She said without looking at you, you glared at her mad got up, brushing off your skirt.

She pulled up her hands, "Now I think we should start with a capture the flag!" She said as you walked back towards the class.

You looked over at your father, hesitantly walking back to the car.

"Now I want.... Nagisa and Y/N to be the captains of each team, you will pick your first allie and then he will so on and so on."

(Time skipu since I'm bad with names)

"Now you two!" She points at you and Nagisa, "Shake hands and then fall out." We both move towards each other and shake hands hesitantly, Nagisa looking up in my eyes with a sad smile.

I sigh as our hands let go of each other and we file out into our designated areas.

As I finally find a spot where I can't be seen I go over the rules again.

Before time skipu~

"Now that you both have picked out your teams I must tell you the rules."

"This is a test on how good you can work with ether each other or by your self."

"You man use physical contact I must say that you should not use any objects except for your knife."

"You will both start of in the area I assign you to... You don't hide the flag and that means yes.... It will be out I. The open both of them."

You keep by your flag for to long it it will be my job to escort you out of the game."

Back to normalz time~

You sprinted towards the trees, my teammates on my tail.

With a few hand movements they all dispersed into different groups and left you to find a hiding spot.

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