Cold Room

649 37 8

(Third Person POV)

The group shushed each other as they continued to watch woman glare into the room.

"Listen you pipsqueaks!" She said and pointed into the dark room, "Awake or not I'm gonna say what has to be said."
She stood proud on the premise, still in the shadows not being able to be seen.

"I've herd that there has been many assassination attempts on your teacher" she paused, letting herself catch a quick breath, "But I will be the only to actually kill Koro Sensei."

She stepped out of the shadows, now to be seen by the whole class.

"And if any of you twerps try to stop me, you'll get what's coming to you." She stated then glared daggers at them.

The whole room went silent, a pin could drop, and the echo could break the silence and end with blood.

"What have you got planned you bitch!" A girl with H/C hair said with not a bit of hesitation in her voice.

"Oh it's you..." She said then smirked evilly, "Something that can stop even mock 20." Most of the people around her clicked their tongues and others....gazed in horror.

"Well tata It would be best if I took my leave now." She said as she waved to the group, then slammed the door shut with one tap of her finger.

"Looks like we're gonna be here for a while or so..." Karma says as he stands up and brushes off the dirt on his uniform.

"H-How long are we g-g-gonna stay h-here...?" Kayano stuttered forcibly, that girl was always weird to you, she forced her moe kawaii self.

"It's gonna be fine Kayano-Chan!" Nagisa said from behind you, you nodded trying to agree.

After that it got quiet again, all you could do was study the things infront of you.

Black room, about no light, big locked door.

Helpful stuff?


Some snacks.


Most of or backpacks are gone, and the ones that aren't, have been shuffled through anyway so there wasn't much to live on.

"So one of us will stand at the door right when she opens?" Most of us nodded.

"But she's an assassin guys." You said with no hesitation, "We know that." Nagisa said, pulling out his hands "But it's the only chance we've got right now."

An unexpected sound of clicking and opening of locks makes them jump.

One of them runs towards the door, then sits quietly, waiting for the hell maiden.

You sit quietly, but inside restless.

The door finally opens, and the lady walks in, "Okay brats the Octopus is trying to find y'all. With no luck, but I haven't the faintest idea how he got this close in the first place..." The hummed and put a finger to her chin.

Some of them flinched, "Oh so you do know?"

She walked over to Kayano, then grabbed her chin forcefully, a darkness shadowed over Kayano's face.

After Nanika came closer,then listened to the girl, she stopped and let got of the girl, "Hmph!"

Kayano bit her lip, you glanced back at the girl who had been by the door, but she was already gone, not a trace.

The door slammed open suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Dammed brats!" She raised the girl and dropped her onto the floor, "I told you not to interfere!"

Nagisa finally stood up, you looked up at him, he head told no one about a plan like this, "Na-"

Karma pulled you sleeve, you glanced towards him as he sent you a shake of his head, then glanced back at Nagisa you're eyes widening.

His clear blue eyes not sharp, studying the target, much like a snake.

"Looks like we've got a tough guy!"



*Pleads to Nagisa on knees*

Just slap me I deserve it!

"Eh...." *sweatdropps*


I sorry I have like MAJOR MAJOR writing block.......

Ima try to start the next one asap.... Since this is still short for

New Student Comes To Class E }Reader X Nagisa{ (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora