Dad's Home

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Nagisa's POV (who liked that new episode OML I wuz about to die bro)

I quickly ran to school, today it was starting to get a little cold, so I wore my sweater.

I suddenly spotted Y/N's door, it seemed empty and cold, but I really wanted to check on her. My curiosity finally controlled itself and I walked back towards the trail, long long trail, to the E class building.

It was easier to walk down the trail now, it felt more..... Claiming, knowing where everything was to avoid, and the other A-D classes have settled down a bit.

One step came to another and I was finally onto the school grounds, I gave out a long sigh. Even though I know where everything is, it sure is a long trail to take everyday.

I walked towards the building, focusing on what I had to do today.

As I opened the sliding door, the room again was filled with chattering students, left and right.

I walked towards Kayano - Chanwho was talking to Kanzaki-San.

"Oh heya Nagisa!" Kayano said, their conversation being broken by the entrance of me. (Bleh XP idk how to say it right)

They both turned towards me as I come closer, Kanzaki nodded in a way of saying "Ohayoh Nagisa-Kun!"

"Where's Y/N?" I asked Turing my head from left to right, Kayano stood there for a second, "Oh yeah!" She out a finger up to her chin, "We were both talking about her earlier!"

She smiled warmly towards me, I nodded, then started towards my seat as Koro Sensei entered the room.

"Let's see.... We're gonna start took soon."

It's been a week since Y/N-Chan has left, and today I've made a decision to go and see if she's at her house.

Okay I asked Kayano if she would come with me.

"Oh so this is were y'all live." She said as we looked up at Y/N's apartment, the evening was quiet, it was always like this in the neighborhood, well at least unless my mother is mad.

"Knock already!" I jumped suddenly getting spooked by Kayano, I realized that I had zoned out.

"O-oh Gomenasai!" She shook her head and punched me aside, "Well you aren't gonna do it...", then she walked foward getting her fist ready to knock, "Them let me do it for you."

She knocked lightly, but enough for anyone without headphones to hear.

There was no answer.

She knocked again, not letting g the though that Y/N was gone for good.

"Hello?!" She spoke out loud, trying to wake not Y/N but her from this sick joke.

The door finally opened a crack, "I'm sorry, just go away I can pay the rent."

Before she could close the door, Kayano started to wave her hands, "Wait! Y/N!"

She stopped, "Sorry I have to-" but I stopped her, "Y/N." she didn't move, just stood with the for a crack open, "Why are you here?"

New Student Comes To Class E }Reader X Nagisa{ (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now