If Only Your Mother Were Here...

527 24 12

Your POV

"You will start tomorrow."

"Don't screw this up."

"I don't want someone with my last name to be an outcast."

"It's not like I'm doing this for you."

"Shut up and listen you brat!"

"If only your mother were here."

"I'm the boss!"

"What's your problem?!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have been born."






You suddenly sat up I your bed, the voice still echoing in your head.

"So your finally awake brat."

You flinched slightly, hearing the same voice that echoed through your mind, haunting your dreams.

It gave you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach.

He clapped his hands together, "Well I guess it's time for your first day." He glared at you, his hands still glued together with unseeable glue.

"Get your uniform on and we're moving forward." You nodded, "Yes father."

You slipped of your pajamas, pulled on the skirt, then buttoned up the shirt, and pulled a school sweater over your head.

You then moved to the bathroom and brushed your teeth.

By the end of when that happened, it was time to leave.

So your ran towards the car, the strap if your school bag over your shoulder, your hair swaying behind you as you ran there.

You finally stopped infront of the door, opened it carefully, and got in, closing it behind you.

"Father what's the name of this school?" He looked back at me, pulling out my phone, about to turn it on but looking up at him to let him know that your were paying attention.

"Izaraia" you mentally saved that for later, "How far away is it?"

He looked at the GPS attached over the radio and said, "About 45 minutes."

You nodded, "Thanks."

Then flipped open your phone again and checked again if you had any texts or calls.

Suddenly your saw a number with a contact above it reading "Nagisa - Kun" your face started to heat up, "wh-when did t-this get h-h-here?" You thought to yourself, slightly embarrassed.

You clicked onto the keyboard, moving it towards the notification, then clicked on it once it was highlighted.

Your eyes read it carefully, "She's back" it read.

New Student Comes To Class E }Reader X Nagisa{ (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ