One: Wrong Crowd

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Why? Why me? I was such a good child. I did everything my parents told me to. You know, before they ran off, leaving me and Sophia by ourselves. And what made it worse was that Sophia was only 5 months old, she was still a baby! I was only 17 at the time when Mom had her, I wasn't suppose to be dealing with a baby until I had my own. But I didn't complain. Sophia meant everything to me and I would keep her safe no matter what. And that's hard when you know Leon Adams.

I first met Leon my junior year, he had switched schools and I became his new friend here at Jackson High. But I didn't know what I was getting myself into. The second I stepped up to him and gave him a simple 'hey' I was making a deal with the devil. Leon Adams was the head of this little drug dealer group, little did I know, I thought he was a nice guy. But I was wrong. He forced me to join their little group, I really didn't want to but I had told him all about my parents and baby Sophia so he threatened to kill her if I didn't cooperate. And I didn't want that to happen so I joined them. There was 5 of us, Leon, Me, Sean, Will, and Roxanne. She didn't like that Leon had brought me in and tried to mess with me at every chance she got. But when she finally saw that she couldn't get to me, she finally left me alone and we just ignored each other most of the time. Until she finally kinda warmed up to me and we talked a little. Will was the dirty guy of the group, he already tried to have sex with Roxanne but she beat him to a pulp. And then he came at me when I first joined the group and he would have raped me if Sean hadn't walked in at the last second and saved me. He had gotten Will off of me and beat him up. Sean was like my big brother in the group, he looked out for me. He was 22 like Will unlike Roxanne who was 20 and Leon who was 19 like me. Leon was the youngest guy yet he was the leader which I found very weird but I didn't question it. Everyone knew who was boss and it was gonna stay like that. I just wish I had picked someone else to say hey to that day. Do you know what it feels like to live in fear of being killed? Live your life everyday, thinking you might not wake up in the morning when you go to bed? I do. And I have for 3 almost 4 years now.

And here's another thing. Leon doesn't just sell drugs. He also kidnaps people. Mostly important people with a lot of money or little kids who parents would give up anything to get their child back. And he makes a lot from ransom. The police never find him at all but he moves every year just to be safe. But here's the problem. I'm Leon's main kidnapper girl. He usually sends me out to do the kidnapping, sometimes along with Roxanne. I hate doing it but like always, he threatens baby Sophia so I have no choice but to do it. And whenever it's little kids, I make them feel like they're not in danger so they won't be scared. But then Leon ends up scaring them later. One time, we got a little boy but his parents weren't good people and didn't even try to get him back. So we just ended up leaving him in front of his house and he parents found him. But he was probably better off with us.

I always told myself to not get involved with the wrong crowd but I went and got into the worse crowd there is. I wish there was some way out of it but I know there isn't. The only way out is up to heaven. Or hell. Either way, I'm dead along with Sophia.

"Yo! Hazel!" I heard Leon call me from upstairs. I gulped and sat Sophia down, running up the stairs as fast as I can. He hated it when I didn't respond right away. Leon had anger issues that he refused to to admit. Will brought it up one time and got punched in the face for it.

"Yes, Leon?" I said, walking into his room. It was dark except for the small light coming from the bathroom.

"Just got some good news, tomorrow night, someone special is performing downtown. And you know what that means." His voice was low and raspy from smoking a lot.

"I have a new assignment?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. I folded my hands behind my back and stood there, looking as innocent as possible.

"Yep. Tomorrow night, he'll be performing at the concert hall near downtown and I want you to drive down there and get him. I don't care how you do it, just make sure no one sees you and you get yo yellow ass back here as fast as you can." I nodded and rocked back and forth on my feet.

"Can I ask, who is this so called special person?" I said softly, hoping he would answer.

"The one and only. Chris Brown." I could see him smirk in the dark. I froze instantly.


A/N- Little Sophia on the side. 

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