Twenty Three: Artist

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"Wha-how are you even here?" I asked.

"After I got out of jail, I got a job here as a housekeeper. What are YOU doing here?" She put her hands on her hip.

"I'm on vacation with Chris." I answered.

"Really? You're still with him?" I rolled my eyes and raised my left hand, making her gasp.

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down, we're engaged." I said. "Wedding is in May."

"Wow. Either he's crazy, or you're just really good in bed."

"Hey!" I smacked her arm and she started laughing.

"What? It's an educated guess." She smiled and walked past me. I watched her as she got her bucket out the hallway closet and headed to the living room. I followed her and realized I still had Momma on FaceTime waiting for me. When I picked it up, she was singing to Alyssa who was looking up at her with a big smile.

"Hey, Momma, can I call you back later?" I asked. She stopped singing and looked up.

"Yes, of course." She answered.

"Okay, tell my babies I love them and I miss them."

"I sure will."

"Kay, bye." She said goodbye and I hung up and sat the iPad on the coffee table.

"Babies?!" I turned around and looked at Roxanne.

"My 5 year old twins, a boy and a girl, and my almost 4 month old baby girl."

"3 kids? Wow."

"So now it's a family of 6. Me, Chris and our kids."

"Um, that's 5 I believe."

"No, it's Chris, me, and my kids, Sophia, Andrea, Damien, and Alyssa."

"Oh, I forgot about Sophia. But she's your sister so she doesn't count." I stood up and looked her in the eye.

"I have four kids. Sophia is my daughter. Okay?" I said sternly. She gulped and quickly nodded.

"I got it. So where is the groom anyway?"

"He took Sophia for a walk on the beach." I said.

"Oh okay. Well then I guess I'll get to cleaning." She slipped on her rubber gloves and grabbed some spray along with a cleaning rag.

As she cleaned, I sat on the couch and ran my mouth with her about almost everything that had happened in the past 5 years. The only subject I stayed away from was Sean and how he was actually the leader of everything. I didn't want to upset the good mood that was going on between us right now.

"Mommy!" I heard Sophia's voice and a door sliding open. A second later, she ran into the living room and hopped in my lap.

"Did you and Daddy have fun?" I asked her.

"Yep! We picked out seashells and saw fishes in the water! And I saw a starfish! He was pink like Patrick on Spongebob!" She exclaimed.

"That's good. I'm glad you had fun." Sophie finally looked up and saw Roxanne, slowly cocking her head at her.

"You look familiar." Sophia suddenly said. Me and Roxanne's eyes widen, I bet neither if us could believe that she remembered Roxanne.

"You remember me?" Roxanne asked her.

"Yeah. I remember your curly hair....and your blue eyes. Oh!" She jumped up and ran down the hall. When she returned, she was holding her sketch book and flipped it open to a certain picture.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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