Twenty: Vacation Mishap

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"It's not fair!" Damien crossed his arms and pouted.

"Hey, life isn't fair. Get over it." Chris said. Marie started pouting along with Damien and I could tell it was going to be a long week for Momma.

"Sophia!" Chris called. She came downstairs with her backpack and handed it to Chris to put in the car. We decided that Sophia needed some time away from the twins so we were gonna take her with us and the twins along with Alyssa were gonna stay with Momma J.

"Come on, Babygirl." Chris picked Sophia up. Marie whined even more because Chris had called Sophia Babygirl. She had shown us the week before that she only liked it when he called her that. And just because she did, Chris stopped calling Marie that and only called Sophia that. I saw Sophia stick her tongue out at the twins as Chris carried her away to the car and it made me laugh.

"Maaa!" Alyssa fussed in her seat and held her arms up at me.

"Awe." I picked her up and kissed her little cheeks. "Mama's gonna miss her baby."

"But I'm right here." Chris said, walking back inside.

"Not you." I playfully pushed him, earning a laugh from him. He took Alyssa from me and swung her around.

"Daddy's gonna miss you too." He blew a raspberry on her neck, making her burst into giggles.

"Is Sophia in the car?" I ask.

"Yep. Everything is packed and ready to go. Now kids, come here." He commanded. They slumped over and stood in front of us.

"You be good for grandma okay?" Chris started. "I don't want her calling me or your mother, saying that you're being bad. Be good or there will be consequences. And we'll be back soon. Do you understand?" They mumbled something inaudible.

"I said, do you understand?"

"Yes." They said in unison.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now come give Daddy a hug goodbye." I took Alyssa from him as Marie ran into his arms.

"Don't leave me, Daddy!" She whined.

"Ha! Cry baby!" Damien teased.

"Oh hush your mouth!" Marie yelled at him. I found myself laughing at the two of them bickering.

"Whew, this is gonna be a long week." Momma J said, walking up and taking Alyssa from me.

"I know, you think you can hold up?" I asked.

"I'm gonna need some special treatment when you get back." She replied. I laughed at that.

"Don't worry, we got you covered. Bye kiddies." I crouched down and Marie and Damien walked over to me, giving me a hug.

"Now why couldn't they do that with me?" Chris complained.

"Because they love me more." I stuck my tongue out at him. They stood back and Chris took ahold of my hand, leading me outside after we said goodbye. He opened the door for me on the passenger side and let me get in before walking around and getting into the driver's side.

Chris has rented a vacation mansion in Hawaii that we were going to stay in. He showed me pictures of what it look like and I was eager to get there. It was very nice and Sophia would have a great time. She needed the relaxation, maybe that could calm her down a bit. But I still brought her medicine just incase without Chris knowing. Anything could make her blow up and I wanted to be prepared.

On the way to the airport, Sophia was happily in the back drawing in her sketchbook and I kept seeing Chris occasionally look up in the rearview mirror to see her as she hummed softly. It was amazing how much Chris adored Sophia, even though she wasn't his child. That was real love, he loved her like she was his own. And I hope that they never lose that bond. I can tell how much Sophia loves Chris. And she's loved him since day one. I was so glad. Glad that I had a loving family and fiancé that I was going to marry soon. I just couldn't wait.

When we got to the airport, some of Chris's bodyguards were already there waiting to help us. And a friend of Chris's was there to take the car back since Chris had agreed to lend it to him. Big Pat and Terry helped us unload our bags while the others kept the fans, that had spotted us, at a safe distance. Girls were screaming Chris's name and yelling that they loved him over and over again. That made him smile. He gave the crowd a wave which made them scream louder and Sophia ran to him, throwing her arms up. I don't think she ever got used to the big crowds. Besides the time when she ran out on stage after one of Chris's concert. He had just finished and was saying his goodbyes when Sophia woke up backstage and went searching for him. When she saw him onstage, she just ran out to him and caught him by surprise. I thought it was cute cause when he picked her up, she said daddy loud enough for the mic to catch it and the audience has awed at her cuteness. Chris's fans love Sophia and I'm god that they do.

"Mama, are we getting in one of those again?" Sophia asked me, pointing to a plane.

"We sure are. It's gonna be fun, just like always." I answered. Sophia had a thing for planes, she always loved riding in Chris's private jet. It was an amusement for her.

"Babe, do you have my phone?" Chris suddenly asked me.

"Uh, yeah, I think you dropped it in my purse earlier." I said, digging into my purse. I saw the shiny silver phone and pulled it out.

"Yeah, I have it." I told him, leaning forward and slipping it into his pocket. He glanced over at me again before slightly smiling and leaning over to give me a soft, quick kiss.

"What was that for?" I whispered as he took ahold of my hand.

"Just an I love you." He said, kissing my forehead. I didn't know whether to enjoy the sudden affection or be cautious. Cause he was usually very affectionate but sometimes, he seemed a bit off. I decided to brush it off as nothing and returned the smile, gently squeezing his hand. Sophia laid her head on his shoulder and we walked in together, Pat and Terry following us with our bags.

Chris's POV

I knew Hazel was questioning why I was acting like this. I wanted to enjoy every minute I had with her until I knew that the threat had been eliminated. Sean was still out there and I was afraid. Afraid that he would come after Hazel and take her from me. Take the kids from me. I'd be a complete wreck if I lost them. So I wanted to keep Hazel close to me. I was glad to have her and Sophia with me so I could keep an eye on them. As for the kids, I have some secret guys keeping an eye on them without Momma knowing. I know she would throw a fit saying that she knows how to watch kids but I don't want Sean showing up while I'm gone. They're just keeping an eye on the house and kids, making sure they're okay.

We got to security and I put everything in the bowl then watched Hazel put her stuff in. When she walked through, it beeped, and I glanced at her hand.

"Hazel, your ring." I said, holding her left hand up.

"Oh." She looked sad taking it off. It twisted off her finger and she gently set it in the bowl, stepping through again. This time, it okayed her and the security guard went over her with the scanner. As soon as he was done, she grabbed the ring out of the bowl first and put it back on. I sat Sophia down and motioned for her to walk through. She walked threw and clung herself to Hazel's leg, not even letting the guard scan her. Hazel had to hold her out to let him run the scanner over her.

"Why do we have to do this every time?" Sophia asked.

"It's for safety, Baby." Hazel told her. "So someone doesn't come through with anything dangerous."

"Oh. That seems legit." Hazel glared at me, Sophia had been picking up some of my words lately. I gave her one of those smiles she couldn't resist and the look disappeared.

"No fair." I heard her mutter. I walked through and slipped my arms around her waist.

"You know you love it." I whispered in her ear. She giggled and pushed me away.

"Sir?" The guard was waiting for me. I stood spread out and let him scan me. When everything checked out, our bags came out on the conveyor belt and we picked our stuff up.

"Yo, Chris, we'll meet you down there tomorrow." I heard Terry say. I nodded and started to walk on, making Sophia walk in front of us so I can keep an eye on her.

We got on the plane easily and Sophia was hopping around, refusing to sit in her seat.

"She's sleepy." I said to Hazel who was sitting next to me.

"She's not gonna go to sleep. If you make her, she's gonna have a crying fit." Hazel added.

"Maybe she won't. Babygirl?" Sophia stopped and looked at me.


"Come here." I ordered, holding my arms out. She walked over and I picked her up, putting her on my lap and making her lay down. She started to whine and I shook my legs, rubbing her back to soothe her.

"Shhh, go to sleep." I said softly. Her whining got louder and I sat her up, putting her head on my chest.

"Hey." Hazel snapped her fingers at her. "Quit that whining." She quieted down and sniffled, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

The plane took off and after a while, Sophia had finally nodded off in my lap and I finally relaxed. Hazel had already gotten comfortable and passed out next to me. I intertwined our fingers together and she shifted, laying her head on my shoulder. I was glad to have them so close to me. They brought me comfort. And I loved that feeling. I thought nothing could go wrong now, we were on our way to Hawaii to have ourselves a good time. But boy, was I wrong. We hadn't even been on the plane for a good hour when everything took a turn for the worse.

I was laying there peacefully with Hazel next to me and my babygirl in my lap. But then there was a huge boom and the plane shook while the lights flickered. People started panicking and I quickly shook Hazel awake.

"Hazel!" I yelled to wake her up.

"Huh? What?" She opened her eyes and when she saw all the chaos, she looked at me.

"What happened?!" She had to yell for me to hear her over the people screaming.

"I don't know! Something must have hit the plane, cause it shook!" The plane then shook again and Hazel threw her arms around me and got in my lap. I then realized that Sophia was awake and crying, holding her hands over her ears.

"Chris, I'm scared!" Hazel cried in my ear. I held them both close as I felt the plane starting to dip. Then I realized what was happening. The plane was about to fall straight out of the sky.


I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating guys, I just haven't had the time. I feel terrible and next week is thanksgiving break so hopefully I'll get to update a lot more then. Tell me some stories that you'd like me to update since I've been neglecting wattpad and you guys so much. I hope you enjoy this short yet uneventful chapter. The next one should be better. And I haven't proofread it so expect some typos and such.

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