Four: Nicer

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Chris started acting different towards me, I realized he wasn't giving me such a hard time and that he's been nicer. Maybe it was because of what he saw Leon do to me. Or maybe he's just warmed up to me. Either way, I'm happy that he's actually eating now. I was worried that he was gonna get sick if he didn't eat.

I was in the kitchen, getting Chris something to eat when Roxanne walked in.

"How's the superstar doing?" She asked me while getting herself a glass of water.

"Fine I guess. He just wants to go home probably but Leon seems to be enjoying keeping him here. Even though the ransom hasn't been paid yet." I told her.

"I heard that his family is working on it. Hey, can I come with you this time, you're about to go see him, right?"

"Yeah, come on. Get Sophia, will you?" Roxanne got Sophia out her high chair and followed me down the hall to the room. I opened the door and Chris was just laying sitting in the floor as always with his eyes closed. I had brought him a few pillows to sit on cause he started complaining about his butt hurting. Which made me laugh of course.

"Chris." I said, causing him to open his eyes and look at me. He sorta perked up when he saw Roxanne.

"Chris, this is Roxanne, Roxanne, this is Chris." I introduced them.

"Hey there." Roxanne gave him a small wave.

"Uh, hey. You brought Sophia." He sat up straighter. This nigga was happy to see her, not Roxanne. I walked over to his chains and started to undo them.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Roxanne asked.

"It's okay, he's not gonna go anywhere. I just unchain him when I bring Sophia." I tell her.

"Does Leon know?"

"No, and don't tell him, please."

"Then you got to get me some of those nice cigarettes when you go across town again. You know, the expensive ones. Those things are great."

"Fine I'll go tomorrow."

"Okay then your secret is safe with me." I undid his other chain and took Sophia from Roxanne, handing her to Chris. He just loved this girl to death, I swear. I guess he liked little kids.

"Here's your food." I sat his plate down next to him.

"Well, I'm gonna go take a shower now. See ya." Roxanne opened the door and walked out, closing it back. I sat down in front of Chris as he started to eat and continued to hold Sophia.

"Chris." I said, staring at him.

"Yeah?" He looked over at me and for once, his eyes weren't filled with hate. They looked like they were filled with....sincerity.

"W-why have you been acting different? Like, nicer? You usually give me a hard time but lately, you've been nice to me. What changed?"

"You're not who I thought you were." He said after a minute. "I thought you were just another one of the...well, bad people in the world until I saw that, you're actually just a very sweet girl who's involved with the wrong people." I gave him a weird look. How did he...

"That night, when you first came in here with Sophia, I wasn't asleep. I heard everything you said. About your parents. And how Leon is forcing you to do this against your will. And if you don't listen to him, he'll kill you and Sophia." I looked away in shame. My life was shameful and I didn't want anyone to know about it. But my stupid self thought Chris was asleep and said it all.

"So I guess you know the truth now." I whispered.

"My life was hard growing up. My dad beat my mother and I couldn't do anything about it. Momma was struggling to take care of us. It was hard. But I made it."

"How?" I asked, trying to hold in my tears. "How did you make it through all that bullshit you were put through?"

"I had hope." He said softly. "I had hope that everything was gonna work out for the better. And it did."

"But how the hell can I have hope that it will get better when my life is fucked up like this? Huh? There's no way out!" I screamed, curling up into a ball. "Do you know how hard it is to go to sleep every night, knowing you might not wake up in the morning?! Do you?!" Sophia started to cry cause yelling made her cry but I just ignored it, too hurt to do anything. Reality was taking a hard hit at me and I couldn't take it.

"I live in a house, full of guns and I could die at any moment. Do you know how scary that is?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and Chris pulled me closer, letting me lay in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I just laid there and cried, letting all my feelings out. I didn't even know I had been holding all of this in but now that I was letting it out, maybe I would feel better. I hope.


She slowly fell asleep in my arms and once I knew that she was completely out, I pulled one of the pillows out from under me and laid her down on the floor, laying her head on the pillow. Sophia had fell asleep too so I laid her beside Hazel before I backed up and started to chain myself back to the wall incase Leon came in. I did my left hand first and then put my hand in the right one, shaking it until the lock fell into place. I just wanted to get out of here, I wanted to go home. I bet my mom was breaking down at home, knowing her son is out there, being held against his will. I glanced down at Hazel, I wanted to take her with me whenever I got out of here. She didn't belong here, she deserved a better life, so did Sophia. A while passed and they both were just sleeping away while I was here, just watching them. Hazel looked so cute in her sleep, she looked like Sophia, they both had that adorable baby look.

The door suddenly opened, scaring the day lights out of me. Leon walked in and stared at Hazel.

"Well, what do we have here?" He says, crossing his arms.

"S-she was talking to me and fell asleep on the floor." I blurted out.

"Oh. Well I guess she was tired, I'll take her back to her room." He picked up Sophia first and took her upstairs then he came back and picked up Hazel, slinging her over his shoulder. Once he walked out, he closed the door and I was left alone again. Just like always. I just can't wait to get out of here.


A/N- Pic of Roxanne on the side :)
Sorry this chapter was kinda boring, it was more of a transition chapter but in chapter 5, it's get VERY interesting. :D

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