Two: Kidnapped

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"Aye, Chris! 10 minutes!" Angela yelled. I nodded and fixed my mic on me. I was at another one of my concerts, yet again, getting ready to perform for the best fans in the world. Without them, I wouldn't even be where I am right now. I'd be at home, probably chilling on the couch, watching TV cause I just came home from working at the office. But office jobs are boring. This is much more fun.

"Hey Baby." Denise walked up to me and pecked me on the lips. "You're gonna do good out there." I had kept Denise around for about 2 weeks now. She wasn't technically my girlfriend but I think she thought she was. We haven't even had sex yet but that's because I've been working late, preparing for this concert. She had tried to get me in bed with her two days ago but I was tired and just didn't feel like it. Sounds crazy coming from me, I know, but I was exhausted, I had been up since 7am that day. But apparently, she didn't understand that.

"You're gonna root for me?" I asked, giving her a small smile.

"You know it." She wrapped her arms around me and tried to kiss me again but I turned away so she kissed my cheek instead. I saw her frown from the corner of my eye. To be honest, she annoyed me sometimes.

"Chris! 5 minutes!" Angela called to me, even though only 2 minutes had actually passed. Denise let me go and left to go take a seat so that she could see me on stage. Some people ran over and quickly adjusted my clothes while I stood there, waiting for my cue to go on. When they were through, Angela ran up to me and dragged me over to my spot where I enter the stage at.

"You ready?" She asked me, pulling on my shirt cause there was a small wrinkle in it.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I'm always ready." I answered. She glared at me and I just smiled.

"Then go break a leg."

"Don't tell me that cause then I'll really break my leg." I stated sarcastically, laughing afterwards.

"Just go!" She gave me a push and I took a deep breath, before heading onto the elevator. It was gonna lift me up so that I came out on top of the stairs.The smoke came out just as the lights and fireworks shot out of the ground causing everyone to scream louder. When I appeared, I swear, they even got louder! And didn't think that was possible! As my dancers came out, I started singing while I descended down the stairs. I loved performing, it just made me feel great about myself. Like I've actually accomplished something in my life.

I went from song to song, singing my heart out until the end where I ended with a sex song and gave some lucky lady a lap dance. That was always fun. The way they looked it me, it's like they wanted to shove me down and rape me on stage. And to be honest, that was a major turn on for me. But of course, I can't do that with a fan so usually I would just go home and call up whatever girl I needed to see. The girl this time, she was a little dark with long black hair. She smiled at me as I came towards her and I could tell how happy she was. I ripped off my shirt and tossed it into the crowd before turning back towards her and leaning down over her. She was smiling as I got closer, teasing her like I was actually going to kiss her even though I wasn't. I couldn't even if I wanted to, not on stage at least. At the very last second, I leaned in really close before getting up abruptly and continuing on with singing. She started fanning herself and I smiled. I loved doing that.

Once I was done, I waved goodbye to the crowd and started to walk off stage. As soon as I walked backstage, someone ran up and gave me a towel and water bottle. I was glad cause I really needed that.

"Chris, seriously?" Angela said, walking up to me. "We brought the girl backstage and she passed out." I started laughing immediately.

"It's not funny!" She yelled.

"Sorry, sorry." I apologized. "But I thought something like that might happen."

"Must you tease them like you do?" She asks.

"Come on, it's fun." I told her, walking past her to my dressing room. I turned the fan on so I could cool off before I changed clothes. The guys and I were probably gonna head to some club to party so I just got out some camo shorts, a white t-shirt and my gray FAME hoodie along with a red SnapBack. I slipped on my Jordan's and started to head out back for a quick smoke. I always did that after a show, it just relaxed me.

I came out the back of the building and sat on the cement stairs, pulling out my lighter from my pocket. I thought I heard some noise but when I looked around, I didn't see anything. Guess I'm just hearing things. But when I turned back around, someone was standing in front of me and before I could say anything, they hit me in the head with something hard, knocking me out instantly.


This dude was heavy! I was barely able to get him to the car but after I dragged him down the stairs, it was easier to pull him across the parking lot to my car. I put him in the trunk so that if he woke up, he couldn't do anything. I learned that the hard way when I put someone in the back seat and when they woke up, he almost killed us both cause I was driving and he was trying to escape. So now I put everyone in the trunk besides the little kids.

I close the trunk and run back up the stairs, leaving the ransom note before I run back and hop back in the car, peeling out of the parking lot. I wonder how long it would take for them to realize he was gone. They would probably wait a few minutes and when they realize he hasn't come back, then they go look for him. I hope they find the ransom note though. I didn't feel like going all the way in and leaving it.

I sped back to the house and when I got there, I got out and opened the trunk to get Chris out. He was still out cold, how hard did I hit him? I hope I didn't give him any brain damage. I pulled him out the car and closed the trunk before dragging him into the house. Leon had this secret room that was soundproof and the door was actually the wall and to get in it, you had to lift the picture on the wall and press the button to slide it open. He got one put in at every house he moved to. I brought Chris inside and laid him down while I lifted the picture and pressed the button. The crease in the wall suddenly appeared and the door slid open, revealing the mostly dark room except for the small light up top. I pulled Chris inside and put him against the wall, lifting both his arms up and chaining his wrists to the wall on either side of him.

"Woah, that was fast." I looked back and saw Leon, leaning against the wall.

"Yep." I said. "Knocked him out, left the note and brought him back here just like you said."

"Good. Fix him something to eat and give him some water when he wakes up." He walked out, leaving us alone. Chris suddenly shifted, groaning probably from the pain in his head from when I knocked him out. He moved around a bit and I saw his eyelids fluttering until they opened. I backed up a little bit as he started to look around.

"Wha-what happened?" He asked, looking around still. He pulled at his arms and when he saw that he was chained to the wall, his face turned to panic and he was fully alert now.

"What's going on?" He finally looked at me and stared for a minute. "Who are you? Why am I here?"

"Don't worry, you should be back with your family and friends after a while." I answered softly, criss crossing my legs and putting my hands in my lap.

"What?! So I've been kidnapped?" He looked a little stunned. I nodded and he started pulling at the chains, trying to stand up.

"Let me go!" He yelled, pulling at the chains still. I hated doing this to people but I had no choice.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." I mumbled.

"You're not sorry! If you were, you would let me go! Why the hell am I here?!"

"It's just for ransom, that's all. It won't be long, I promise." I tried to get closer to him.

"Don't touch me!" He spat, backing up as far as he could. I sat back and stared at him, he was staring at me with pure hate. It made me want to cry, I wasn't trying to do this to him! I was being forced to do this!

"A-are you hungry?" I stuttered, standing up.

"Hungry?! Am I hungry?! I want you to unchain me, that's what I want!"

"I can't!" I yelled at him, causing his expression to change. He just looked up at me and after a minute, he nodded.

"I'll go get you some food." I muttered, walking out and closing the door.


I couldn't believe this was happening. I was actually kidnapped. And for what? Some stupid ransom! That stupid girl finally left to get me some food so I was by myself, looking around the room. There was no way could get out if these chains if she didn't let me out of them. Well, she'll probably let me out of them when she brings my food unless she plans on feeding me. But then I could ask her to let me feed myself and as soon as she unchained me, I could run out of here as fast as I could. I had to still be in New York.

The door suddenly opened and she walked in with a cup of water that had a straw in it and a bowl with something in it.

"I hope you like hamburger helper." She said sitting the bowl down and closing the door back. I actually loved hamburger helper but I wasn't gonna tell her that.

"Are you gonna let me feed myself?" I asked angrily, staring at her.

"I would but I can't unchain you." She said. "You'd probably try to run out of here." Guess that plan was out the window.

"Then I won't eat." I grumbled.

"You have to, you don't want to starve." She told me.

"I don't care." I looked away and she sat in front of me, holding the bowl in her lap.

"Can you please eat? I know you don't like any of this but it's only for a little while." She pleaded with me.

"I want to go home." I stated.

"And you will. As soon as Leon gets his money."

"Who's Leon?" She suddenly covered her mouth and cursed under her breath.

"Um, nobody. Just eat."

"No!" I know I was being such a little kid but I didn't care. She kidnapped me for Pete's sake.

"Fine. But you're gonna get hungry later, I know it." She sat the food and water down and started to get up.

"Wait." I suddenly said. I didn't want to eat but I was almost dying of thirst. "C-can I have some of the water?" Gosh, this was humiliating. A small smile appeared on her face and she picked up the cup, putting the straw to my lips. I drunk half the cup down and she took it away, sitting it down before standing up and walking towards the door.

"What's your name?" I asked, even though I didn't know why.

"Hazel." She answered softly. She walked out and closed the door, leaving me alone again. What the hell have I gotten into?


A/N - Hazel on the side.

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