Eleven: Sophia

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"Come on, it will be fun, I promise."  

"Chris, I do not want to go to a club and watch you get danced on my all those hoes who are barely wearing anything." I crossed my arms and turned away from him.  

"Pretty please? You've never had a chance to just go out and have fun but now you can." He came up behind me and sat down, pulling me into his arms. "We're gonna have fun and you can finally wear that sexy dress I saw you buy."  

"The black one?" He nodded and I sat there for a minute, biting my lip and thinking.  

"Oh, alright." I finally gave in.  

"Yay!" He picked me up and spun me around, causing me to laugh. I put my forehead to his, staring into his beautiful brown orbs. They were so mesmerizing. He said the same thing about my eyes too.  

"Hazel, I'm glad you took me." He suddenly said.  

"What?!" I yelled as he sat me down.  

"Think about it, if you had never taken me, I-I wouldn't have met you. Then I'd be here, not even knowing that a beautiful girl, the one God made for me, was out there." I smiled at him and hugged him.  

"Chris, you're my little piece of heaven." I whispered. He kissed my cheek and hugged me back.  

"And you're mine."  


I got out the car and stretched my legs, my muscles were aching from me being in a car for so long. Leon had stopped at a gas station to get some gas and Will and Roxanne have already bolted inside to the bathroom. But I wanted to get something to eat, I'm starving.  

"Leon, can we stop and get something to eat?" I ask when he comes back out the gas station.  

"Why don't you just buy some snacks from the gas station?" He took the nozzle out and started to fill the tank.  

"Yo, I'm a growing man, I need real food. And you do too."  

"Fine, we'll stop and get some burgers." Wow, that was the first time he actually said yes to something I wanted. Something was up with him, I just didn't know what.  

Roxanne and Will came out the gas station, looking a bit roughed up. I could only imagine what had happened in there, Roxanne and Will tend to hook from time to time so they probably just had a quickie in the bathroom. Will loved sex but I wouldn't let him anywhere near Hazel so he eventually gave up on her and went back to all his other hoes who claimed they loved him when he was just playing them all. I knew he actually had a soft spot for Roxanne though, he did anything for her and probably had feelings for her that he wouldn't admit. Most guys, who have all those girls chasing after him don't want to actually fall for one of them. Not that Roxanne was chasing after him but she was still a girl he hooked up with that he was falling for.  

"In the car." Leon ordered. "Now." I quickly got in, followed by Roxanne then Will.  

"I'm hungry." Roxanne whined.  

"Don't worry, we're getting something to eat." I told her making her sad face disappear. She sat back and started to play around on her phone. 

After we got something to eat, Leon got back on the rode, following the directions to California. I could only imagine what was gonna happen when we got there.  


My mouth dropped the second she stepped out of the bathroom. She looked gorgeous! The black dress was super short and tight on her, her thighs showing a little through the lace fabric on each side of her thighs.  

Love and Pain (A Chris Brown Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora