Three: Truth

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This was not suppose to be happening. It's been almost 4 days since we took Chris and the ransom still hasn't been paid yet. Leon doesn't even seem to be in a rush though! He's still acting all casual and going on like Chris isn't even here! Chris is still giving me a hard time, he finally let me feed him two days ago but he hasn't eaten since then but at least he's staying hydrated. And I'm not allowed to take him on bathroom breaks cause he's a guy and he might try to escape so the guys have to escort him. But then they take him right back into the room and chain him back up. He won't talk to me still and I know he probably hates me with everything he has. Well, I would hate my kidnapper too but still. I thought he'd at least try to talk to me.

It was getting late and I was suppose to go check on Chris and see if he'll eat now. Sophia wouldn't go to sleep so I have bring her with me this time, maybe it would cheer him to see her since she was a little girl and he hasn't seen her yet. I put her on my hip and walked downstairs to the room. Sophia reached out and pressed the button when I pulled the picture up and the door immediately opened. I walked in and closed the door but when I looked at Chris, he wasn't moving so he was probably asleep.

"Chris?" I whispered. When he didn't say anything I just sat down on the floor, holding Sophia in my lap.

"Well Sophia, seems like he already went to sleep." I told her. "Don't you think he wouldn't give me a hard time if he knew what was actually going on? He doesn't know anything about us. He doesn't know that I didn't want to kidnap him. He has no idea that I'm being forced to do this against my will. Maybe if he knew more about me, he'd understand. If he knew that Mom and Dad ran out on us and that Leon will kill us if I don't do what he says, maybe he'd feel different towards me. But that's a long shot, isn't it?" Sophia just giggled and waved her hands in the air. Even though she was 3 years old now, she still refused to talk. She just mumbles and stuff. 

"You're such a good listener." I told her, placing kisses on her face. I held her close to me, Sophia was all I had. So I had to keep her close.  


I couldn't believe it. She had no family and she was at risk of getting killed everyday. She thought I was asleep but I really wasn't. So I just sat there and listened while she talked to the baby she had in the room. Her parents had actually run out on her. And this Leon guy, why was he forcing her to do all of this stuff? Now that I think about it, maybe Hazel is a sweet girl who just got involved with the wrong people. Wow, and I've been so mean to her. Well, that's because she kidnapped me even though she was being forced to do it.

She was still in the room and I moved a little, pretending to just "wake up" all of a sudden. I opened my eyes and looked over at her, seeing that an adorable little girl was in her arms. She had light skin just like Hazel with curly brown hair. And her eyes, they were a dark blue. 

"Is that your daughter?" I asked softly, causing Hazel to snap her head up and look at me. She laughed softly.

"Uh, no. This is Sophia, my little sister." She answered. She got up and walked over to me. I felt her messing with the chain on my right wrist and suddenly my hand was free.

"Here." She sat Sophia on my lap and I used to free hand to hold her.

"Don't tell Leon I unchained you." She whispered, messing with the chain on my left wrist now.

"You know, if he comes in here. But I just feel like you might not try to run out this time. And if you do, I'll have to knock you out." My other hand was free and I felt so much better now that is wasn't restrained. I held Sophia in my arms, and she looked up at me, smiling and reaching for the earring in my ear. When she pulled on it, I flinched and grabbed her hand, making Hazel laugh.

"She likes shiny things." She said, referring to Sophia.

"She's so cute, how old is she?" I asked her, and Sophia stood up in my lap. She leaned forward and laid her head on my shoulder, getting comfortable.

"She's 3 years old but she still doesn't talk so she's like a baby still." Hazel said. Just holding Sophia reminded me how much I actually wanted a kid in the future.

"Aye, Hazel!" I heard someone call from outside the room.

"Crap." Hazel took Sophia from me and pulled my hands up, chaining them back to the wall as quickly as she could.

"Who's that?" I asked her as she headed towards the door.

"It's Leon." She whispered. The door opened and a tall dark guy stepped inside.

"So, how's are little prisoner doing?" He asked Hazel. She gulped and tightened her grip on Sophia.

"H-he's doing fine. Any luck on the ransom?" I could tell she was scared out of her mind. Did this guy really scare her like that?

"He might be here a little longer than expected, I got a call from his folks, they're trying to get the money cause apparently, his accounts are frozen right now." Crap, I forgot about that. I had some trouble with the bank a little while back and they finally froze my accounts until we can settle everything.

"O-oh, okay." She stammered.

"Oh look at little Sophia, she's so cute." He reached towards her and Hazel instinctively backed away from him. He suddenly pushed her against the wall and ripped a gun out, putting to her head. I swear, my heart stopped, I wasn't even breathing. He has his hand around her neck, gripping it tightly.

"Better watch yourself." He said lowly, cocking the gun. She quickly nodded and I saw tears spilling out of her eyes. Why was he treating her like this?! He pulled the gun back and put it back in his belt, letting her go finally. She gasped for air, he had to be cutting off her windpipe. Once he walked out, he shut the door and Hazel slid down to the floor, crying.

"H-Hazel?" I said quietly. She looked up at me and wiped her tears.

"I-I'm fine. I'm fine. Just go back to sleep." She stood up and opened the door, running out quickly. I can't imagine how hard she has it. Maybe she had it worse then I did. I'm in here, chained up but I get food and water. Who knows what Leon does to her? I hope it wasn't anything too bad. Why did I care? I had no clue but I just did for some reason.

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