Fourteen: Surprise

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There was a faint ringing in my ears, everything, barely audible. I looked around, only being able to see the silhouettes of people and the spark that came from firing their guns. My heart was thudding in my chest, I thought it was about to just come out, it was beating so hard. I couldn't think straight, what was happening?  

"Chris!" That voice was distinct. I could hear it better than anything else. Then suddenly, her beautiful face was hovering over mine, tears flowing down her face. Why was she crying? What had upset my baby to the point where she was crying? Then it hit me and everything came rushing back. The sounds, the yelling and gunfire. A sudden pain that was nearly unbearable shot up my side and I screamed out in agony, not even trying to. What the hell was causing me so much pain?! Then I saw Hazel's tied up hands covered in blood. She was pressing them down on my leg. But why?  

"Get down!" I heard Nick yell. The people on the other side of the couch dived behind the nearest wall while my group dropped to the floor, in an attempt to avoid the gunfire.  

"Grab her!" That was Leon's voice. Hazel was suddenly ripped away from me by someone else and I looked down to see what she had been covering. I had been shot in the leg. But I had to ignore it, Hazel was my priority, she was the reason we were here. And I wasn't gonna leave without her.  

"Nick!" I turned over on my stomach, struggling to get up.  

"Chris, stay down! You're hurt!" He yelled at me. But I shook my head, no.  

"I have to get her out of here before she gets hurt." I said, grabbing the curtain nearest to me and ripping off a long piece of fabric. I tied it around the wound really tight to keep pressure on it, cringing my face up at the pain. Nick was staring at me in amazement as I started to stand up.  

"Cover me, I'm getting her out of here." He and the other guys nodded as they all stood up and started firing at the wall Leon's group was hiding behind. I managed to get in the hallway and limped to the open door. Hazel was struggling to untie the ropes around her wrist and ankles but couldn't get them.  

"Hazel." I stumbled a bit and she gasped when she saw me.  

"Chris! Your leg!" She exclaimed.  

"It's okay. Just come on, I'm getting you out of here." I said, slipping her tied up hands over my head. I put my arms under her and picked her up, carrying her out the room. When Nick saw me, he motioned for the guys to move and cover me as I made my way to the back door. I knew there was a chance I would get shot again but I didn't care. I had to get her out of here.  

"Now!" Nick yelled. I ran out from behind the wall, holding Hazel tightly against me. It's like time slowed when I passed by Leon, his stare could burn holes in my shirt. Pure anger plastered itself on his face when he saw that I had Hazel in my arms. But before he could even point his gun at me, I was out the door with Hazel. I took her to the car and quickly untied her hands.  

"I have to go back for them." I told her as I undid the knots.  

"Chris, you'll get killed, don't go." She started to cry and I hugged her tightly.  

"They need me. I'll be back, I promise." Even though I knew that might not be a promise I could keep. She grabbed my face and kissed me, I realized how much I had missed her.  

"I swear, the first thing I'm gonna do when we get home is make love to you." I whispered once she pulled away. That got a small smile out of her.  

"Stay here." I commanded, closing the door. I heard her banging on the window but ignored her, going back inside for my friends.  

When I got back inside, the scene before me made my heart shatter into a million pieces. Nick was on the ground....motionless.  

"Nick!" I ran over and fell to the ground on the side of him. He was barely breathing.  

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