Six: Love

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"Yo Hazel, we're leaving to take care of something. You stay here and watch him, you hear me?" Leon said sternly.

"Why don't I ever get to come?" I asked him, even though I'd much rather stay here with Chris than go with Leon and everyone to wherever.

"Because I said so. We'll be back late tonight, or in the morning at the latest. I don't want to get back and the house has been burned down."

"I don't play with fire."

"Doesn't mean you won't. I'm out. Hey! You guys, lets go!" He called down the hall. I sat on my bed and watched Will, Sean, and Roxanne walk by. One I heard the front door close and the car pull out the driveway, I immediately jumped up and ran downstairs to the room. Leon had let up a little on the beatings for the past few days so Chris was doing better now.

I walked into the room and unchained Chris who was asleep, causing him to stir in a little in his sleep.

"Chris, wake up." I said softly, shaking him a little.

"Hmm?" He barely opened his eyes and I shook him a little more roughly to wake him all the way up.

"Come on, everyone is gone, I thought you'd like to take a nice shower and lay in a bed." I pulled at his arm, trying to help him up.

"That sounds nice." He mumbled, stumbling as he stood to his feet. We walked out the room and I led him to the bathroom so he could take a shower. Leon wouldn't let him take one so this is the first shower he's had in over 14 days. I got some of Sean's clothes and put them in the bathroom for Chris to wear temporarily while I wash his clothes.

"Give me your clothes, I'm gonna wash them." I said to him. All he had were his shorts and boxers since Leon had ripped his shirt and refused to give him another one. I turned around as Chris got undressed and I felt him place the clothes in my arms. When I heard the water start running, I walked out the bathroom and closed the door, heading to the laundry room. I wanted to make him as comfortable as possible since Leon was gone. He deserved it after suffering all those beatings and stuff.

"Hazel!" I heard Chris calling me. I ran upstairs and me not thinking, shoved the door open. I quickly covered my eyes when I saw that he was still in the shower.

"Are you okay?" I ask, keeping my eyes closed.

"No, I need your help, I'm too sore. Can you wash my back?"

"Um, sure." I slowly opened my eyes and saw that he was sitting on the floor of the tub with his back turned towards me. I walked over and crouched down, taking the soapy rag from him.

"Ow, not so rough." He flinched probably from the soreness.

"Sorry. I wish I could take you to a hospital, you're hurt pretty bad." I scrubbed his back in a gentler motion.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." He said.

"I always worry about the people I care about." He turned slightly so he could look at me.

"You care about me?"

"Of course I do. If I didn't, I wouldn't have tended to your wounds and gave you medicine. And I wouldn't be risking my life to make you more comfortable." His face broke into a smile and and I wrapped my arm around the front of his neck, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You mean a lot to me, Chris." I whispered. "I'm gonna get you out of here somehow. I have to."

"Hazel, I don't need you to do that, your life and Sophia's are at stake. I'll be okay." I frowned at him and continued to wash his back.

Once he was done with his shower, he put on Sean's clothes and laid down in my bed.

"I never thought I'd miss a bed this much." He said, making me laugh. I took a sleeping Sophia out her crib and put her in Roxanne's room, so Chris and I wouldn't wake her.

"Hazel." Chris reached out at me when I walked back in my room.

"Yeah?" I closed the door and walked over to him. He took ahold of my hand and pulled me down on the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around me.

"This may be the only chance I get to do this so I wanna make it last." He whispered in my ear.

"Do wha-" I was cut off when his lips met mine. He rolled us over so that he was on top and I felt his hands traveling under my shirt, slowly tugging it up and over my head. I pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the floor with mine as he slowly undid the clasp of my bra, slipping it off of me. I felt his hand at the top of my shorts and he slipped his hand in, going into my panties also. Tingles shot through every inch of my body when he touched me and I moaned against his lips, tightening my arms around him.

"Mm, you like that?" He mumbled as he started to kiss my neck.

"Y-yes." I gasped when he found my spot on my neck. He dragged my shorts down my legs to my ankles and I kicked them off, letting them fall on the floor. I lifted myself up so he could pull my panties down too and at the same time, I pushed his boxers down off his hips. When we were both completely naked, he pulled the blankets up halfway so that our lower halves were covered as he hovered over me.

"C-Chris, stop." I said, getting scared all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" He asked. His eyes filled with sincerity as he leaned down closer to me and put one hand under my chin.

"I-I'm s..scared." I confessed. "I'm still....."

"Still what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm still a virgin." I admitted, turning my head away from him. But then he just turned it back, making me look at him.

"I'll be gentle." He kissed my forehead softly and laid down on top of me, laying his head in the crook of my neck as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was still afraid and I pressed my face to his shoulder as he slowly pushed himself into me a little bit at a time. Tears filled my eyes and I whimpered at the pain, digging my nails into the top of his back.

"Shhh, baby, it'll get better." He whispered. He placed one hand on my waist and the other above my head as he propped himself up. I bit my lip, scrunching my face up and a few tears spilled down my cheeks. Chris started rolling his hips into mine, going at a steady pace. The pain was finally started to wash away and I sighed, happy that it didn't hurt anymore but then another feeling took over and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Chris..." I moaned his name and my back arched towards him. He sped up his pace and I moaned louder curling my hands in his hair and gripping it. He grunted loudly and put his other hand on my waist, lifting me up slightly so he could push himself all the way inside me. I swear, I never felt anything like it, it was absolutely amazing, waves of pleasure spiraled throughout my whole body, causing me to yell Chris's name over and over again, and a tightening feeling formed in my stomach.

"" He moaned in my ear just when I felt his member throbbing inside me as he nearly reached his peak. My whole body's started shaking as I came all over him and at the same time, I felt a warm liquid fill me as Chris moaned loudly in my ear. He pumped a few more times, draining himself completely and we were both panting to catch our breath. He laid on the side of me and pulled me into his arms, kissing my neck.

"Hazel....I love you." He said, causing me to gasp. I stared him straight in his eyes and a few tears came out.

"I love you too." I whispered. He cradled me in his arms and pulled the blankets up on us as we both started to drift off to sleep.


Leon wouldn't let me in the room this time, I hope he wasn't hurting Chris too bad. I was scared, Leon looked a little pissed off and probably went in there to fake his anger out on Chris. I hated that he kept doing this to him, I wish I could just get out of here with Chris.

I stood outside the room and sat on the floor, waiting for Leon to come out. When the door finally opened, I jumped up, peeping into the room. Leon stomped out and paid me no attention as he stomped past me to the stairs. I heard his door slam after a second and I entered the room, eager to get to Chris. Man, Leon must have been REALLY mad cause he did more than just whip Chris, he literally beat him up. He was all bruised up and his lip was bleeding.

"Oh my god, Chris, what did he do to you?" I whispered, crouching down in front of him. He wasn't moving and I touched his chest, causing him to yank at the chains and grit his teeth in pain.

"Sorry!" I apologized quickly, taking my hand away.

"H-Hazel." He mumbled, opening his eyes a little. But then I saw something I hadn't seen before. Tears were in Chris's eyes, some of them, flowing over and running down his cheeks.

"I-I can't take it." His voice broke as he started to cry. "Is too much. I can't take this anymore. I-I just wanna go home. I'm in so much pain. I wanna die right now." He looked down at the ground and I wrapped my arms around his neck, he sobbed into my chest. I had never seen a grown man cry like this, I had to-wait, I NEEDED to get Chris out of here. But how? How could I sneak him past everyone, he could barely walk, he was hurt so bad.

I was about to stand up when the door abruptly opened, revealing Leon.

"Hazel, go to your room." He ordered.

"But Leon-".

"Now! You will no longer be watching over him!" He said, and I gasped, standing up.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I know what you've been doing. You've been helping him! You have been fixing him up every time I had beat the life out of him! And I got a tip that someone has a crush on our little prisoner here." I stepped back as he got closer to me.

"Yep. Little Hazel likes our prisoner. But she's not gonna get him. Now get out!"I glanced back at Chris who was looking up at me, tears still rolling down his cheeks. I crouched down in front of him and took his face in my hands.

"I love you." I whispered, softly kissing his lips. His eyes were completely filled with sorrow and pain.

"I love you too." He said softly. Suddenly, I felt my whole body being yanked away from him.

"Hazel!" Chris yelled as Leon cocked a gun at my head. "Don't hurt her! Please!"

"I'm wondering, if should I kill you right now." Leon growled. "It would be great if your boyfriend saw you die right before his eyes."

"Please, don't kill her." Chris cried. "D-don't hurt her, take me instead."

"Awe, how sweet, he's willing to die for you, he's pretty stupid isn't he?" He dropped me on the ground and suddenly turned the gun towards Chris.

"Leave him alone!" I shoved Leon against the wall, not even thinking. I heard a shot go off and I looked down at my leg, just watching the blood gush out of the bullet wound on the side of my thigh. I fell to my knees, reaching one hand down to touch the wound.

"Hazel!" Chris voice sounded distant. There was a ringing in my ears and I looked over at Chris, who was pulling at the chains. Someone picked me up and I heard yelling, but it soon faded as I closed my eyes.

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